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Friday, July 8, 2011


Ok, good and bad news, good news is that we took motorhome in to have them fix a few things and do a tune-up, change oil and other fluids, charge air conditioner, etc.,while changing the oil they found metal parts in the oil pan, said it was from the transmission, so glad they found it before we headed out across the country, they said we wouldn't have made it out of Michigan, bad news is that we had to put some big money into it to get the transmission rebuilt, thank God my son works there and they gave us a big discount, saving us about $500! But we can travel with confidents now and know we can go anywhere and back without any serious problems, they went thru everything, bumper to bumper! So our Dolphin is home now and getting prepared to hit the road! We have been unpacking it and repacking it, cleaning it today, going to wash the outside and wax it! Also been packing things up from the house and putting them in storage totes so they can be stored in the garage, oh yeah, did some major cleaning and tossing in the garage, gave a lot away to family and to Goodwill, threw bunches out, the garbagemen are starting to hate us, lol! Got the gal that is going to be staying at our house while we travel coming over Sat. so we can go over everything with her!  We have 2 weeks to get everything done before we are our living our dream! Went to the doctor and I am in perfect health, he said my vitamin D levels are down, but taking my vitamins daily should fix that plus I will be getting a lot of sunshine soon, lost some weight but need to lose more, but that is the story of my life! Craig is all set up with the Vets Administration for his health needs, Lenny(our dog) is going to the vets Monday to get his shots, tests, meds and records for the road! Kind of funny that Craig and Lenny both are going to the Vets now! Never been busier or happier in my life. Got my last check from work, retirement from work will start next week and Social Security will start in Aug., paid off many bills so we will have more money flow coming in! Phew! Have I left anything out? Oh yeah, been trying to do something with kids and grandkids every weekend, getting some quality time with them before we leave, hoping to take them up north camping with us before we leave Michigan in late Sept. Plan on doing some boondocking and staying in a friends yard up north until we leave! We are exhausted but happy, it is amazing how much we have accomplished in 2 weeks since my retirement! Well, I think that's about it for now, gotta go, got lots more to do!