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Thursday, October 20, 2011



What a week, learned alot and met so many new people, thank God we all have to wear name tags! Things we learned...*when the weatherman says "WINDY"  they mean roll your canopy up or lose it, take down the Halloween decorations or they will end up in the next lot, along chimes, lights,etc., we were out there running around like two chickens with their heads cut off! Thanks to our friend Jerry who told us that bit of info! But that night we put the canopy back out and the next day ran to Home Depot and got special heavy duty stakes to hold down the canopy and the awning shade sunblocker, hopefully that will work, was wondering why a lot of people don't leave their canopies out, but we still like leaving ours out because it's like a 4 season room for us and we spend a lot of time out there!....*should have brought our ladder, had it loaded to take with us but at the last minute changed our mind, big mistake, we ended up standing on chairs, stools, the tailgate of the truck, all very dumb and dangerous, so I found a broken aluminum ladder someone had thrown out behind the dumpster and after asking the resort manager if you could have it, we recycled it by fixing it good enough to use and a lot safer...yep, go ahead and call me dumpster diving Vi, won't be the first time!...*Working days ..have hair clips with you at all times, starts out cool but heats up fast and need to get the long mane off my neck, have bottled water with you at all times...where comfy shoes...work steady but at a comfortable pace (had to teach Craig that one)....ask lots of questions!....*Should have brought things to clean the outside of the motorhome, we ended up spending $55 on cleaning supplies, such as long handled brushes, long handled squeegie for the windshield, pail and all that goes with it!...*Learn a little spanish because everyone knows spanish around here, from the post office employees to fast food restaurant employees, everyone is bilingual, I find that amazing since I have trouble with the English language, Craig speaks pretty good Spanish but warned me to not even try, I will end up insulting someone thinking I am saying something nice! lol!...*Finding out that there is so much to do here that there isn't enough time in the day, but not like when we had full-time jobs, more like having too much fun discovering this new life style, as all you followers of our blog and facebook friends are finding out and have noticed I am not on either one very often, the weather is so nice and there is so much to do, that I have to make time to blog or comment of fb...*but one of the best things we have learned here is that everyone is friendly, I bet we say hello at least 20 times a day! Taking Lenny for a quick walk turns into an hour because I end up sitting down with rver's along our walk and visiting, they immediately get a chair out and invite us to stay awhile, we talk about where we are from or about our previous lives, our pets, our adventures and just some great conversations, no gossip here, no backstabbing, no complaining,  no uncalled drama! Some have very fancy diesel pushers, some in fancy 5th wheels, some in permanent park models, some with class A and B motor homes, some older some newer rigs, but all are on the same page, very happy, laid back and busy! They have everything here..golfing..crafts, woodworking, Texas Hold em, bingo, etc. if you find yourself bored here, well, I don't know what to tell ya!! But we know one thing for sure, this is the life we want to live, this was a trial run but after one week here we know for sure this is what we want, don't know if we will come back here or find another resort next fall, but I can't see how it would get any better then this, still want to spend our summers in Michigan as campground hosts, don't want to live if a stick house anymore, don't want to mow lawns, rack leaves, shovel snow, etc. we will leave here in April, then head for Virginia to see my daughter Susan and her husband Russ for about a month then to Michigan, hoping to get a hosting job close to home so we can spend a lot of time with our kids and grandkids, because we do miss them and want to spend as much time as we can with them, we also miss our friends, like my best bud of over 35 yrs. Peggy, want to have a girls weekend with her again at my other good friend Annette's..Craig wants to see his best bud Coke(Jim) and do some fishing with him, also he wants to go fishing and watch movies with his buddy Richard! I miss my brother Bob, he has always been more then a brother to me, he's been my friend, he always talks sense to me when I can't make sense of things, I miss my other brother Butch and his sweet wife Norma, he's my big brother and my friend, I love it that they are also living their dream! I miss all my family and friends, but I know they are glad we are living our dream and wish us the best!  I feel this is the last leg of our journey of life and want to squeeze out another 20 years out of it! I want to thank my parents for putting this gypsy soul in me, they loved to travel and I remember them being gone alot and wished they would be home more, but now I understand and am so glad they lived their lives to the end! Well, gotta get off here and get this place cleaned up and do some e-bay listing! So until next time!!!