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Monday, April 9, 2012


                                OUR MH AT RUSS AND SUSAN'S MANSION!
                                      THEIR POOL, THAT IS THE ALLIGATOR WE GOT THEM!
                                                       MISS SASSY!
                               ME WITH MY FURGRANDBABIES..SASSY..DUDE..AND DESTINY
                                    KEEKEE AND TINY( IN THE FIREPLACE)
                                CRAIG WITH HIS SISTER ELYSE!
                                           MISS DESTINY!
                                       SUSAN WITH HARRY(THE OLD MAN)
                                              RUSS WITH KEEKEE!
                                       HOPE, THE NEWEST MEMBER OF THEIR FAMILY
                                        SHE CAME TO THEM NEAR DEATH AND AFTER
                                        SOME LIFE SAVING SURGIES SHE IS HAPPY
                                           AND HEALTHY!

We are having a great time here at our daughter Susan and Russ's beautiful home! They work everyday and let us have the run of the place and what a place it is, I call it the mansion, it is so huge that the rent out two of the rooms to friends, one to Paula and the other to Shawn!  They took us out to their favorite hang out at Jolly Roger's Friday night, then Craig's sister Elyse,who also lives in Virginia, showed up Sat. and stayed for Easter Sunday!  Russ and Susan are like the hosts of all hosts, we all had a fantastic day!  Monday we took them out to Outback Steakhouse for Russ's 50th birthday! But the best of our stay is our grand furbabies! They have 4 dogs, Harry(the old man)a Cocker Spaniel, Sassy and Dude their malteses and rescued Hope a beagle, who came crawling into their yard about 2 months ago and was almost dead, she had tumors hanging off her and several inside, plus the vet thought she may have cancer, plus she was heartworm positive, but that didn't stop Russ and Susan, they told the vet to do what you can do for her, all the tumors were removed and she has no sign of cancer, she is heartworm positive but it is treatable, she is one of the sweetest dogs you could  ask for, she's so happy and blends well with the others! Then their is the grandkitties, let's see now if I can get this right..the first one they rescued is KeeKee, then there was Mya(who passed away about a month ago) then Destiny who they found frozen on their front porch about 3 years ago, then their is Scooter that Russ found, then Nacho who passed away about 5 months ago, then they rescued Tiny that they rescued after Nacho passed and beautiful Sophia who was almost ferrel but has turned into a loving pet because of Susan's patience to bring her around!  There, I think I got them all!  Anyways they are all so affectionate and loving, but the best thing of all is they all get along good together and all sleep in Russ and Susan's bedroom at night, some in bed with them and some on a giant mat on the floor! Susan has found homes for so many homeless dogs and cats that I have lost track of how many! Every pet has a touching story!
                                     I got a call the other day from another state campground in Northern  Michigan, we will be camphosting for them also, that is a total of 3 camphost jobs we have now! We will be leaving here Monday and start working our way back to Michigan, plan on being there by Friday, our granddaughter Kennedy's birthday party is Sunday and we want to be there for that! Can't wait to see my family, missed my son's, daughter-in-law and grandkids sooo much! Going to be a wonderful summer!  Well, gotta go and get some e-bay items listed! So God Bless!