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Saturday, November 12, 2011


As I meet new people I can't help but ask if they are full-timers or just winter Texans, and if they are full-timers I ask how did they decide this is the life they wanted! So here are a few reasons I have heard:
1. Retired
2. Want to see this great Country
3. Sick of the cold winters
4. Tired of the work that goes with owning a stick house
5. They have kids, family and friends that live all over the country
6. Wanted to be free of taxes, monthly bills,  home insurance, house payments etc.
7. Lost their job and had to sell their home(they said it was the best thing that ever happened to them)
8. Love of travel
9. Life Long Dream
10. Want to live their final years on this earth doing what they love!
11. Why Not?
12. Love meeting new people

                                           Some have been RVing since the late 90's and some are as new as we are! I noticed that they are all laid back, no back stabbing or gossiping, always smiling and friendly, oh, I have met a few, very few, that are not as friendly, but most are as curious about us as we are about them!
                         Our Patio and Mr.Lenny! Looks like I need to sweep again!
                             Our little patio and extra room!
                                Craig doing laundry, doesn't he look happy?
                                                 Our mailbox #263
                                The Giant Ball Room, that is the dance floor!
                                                 Our site and home!
           Our neighbors across from us, no neighbors on either side of us yet!
                    Mr. Lenny mad because I didn't take him with me!

                                         But not everyday is perfect here, there are days that are not as good as others, like the wind here is a pain, blowing over our plants, chairs, things hanging from our MH,things on our tables and almost tearing off our canopy, we have had to stake, tie, nail, clamp, bungie our awning, rug and sun shade down so it wouldn't blow away! I walked around and checked out how others had their canopies secured and asked their advice! Having are canopy out is like having another room added onto our MH, so it is a pain if you can't leave it out, but I think we finally got it figure out! Another problem is the dust, you have to sweep, vacuum and dust about everyday (but I don't) because of the wind, I see people sweeping, dusting, washing their rv's and autos constantly, they have leaf blowers to keep the leaves and dirt from blowing into their areas and many wash down their rv's at least weekly! I sweep and dust about every 3rd day, we scrubbed our MH down once, next time we will hire it done for about $100, it would be well worth it! We love sitting outside and clean up when we need too, we like out MH clean, but we are not chained to it especially when we are on our 4 day work schedule!
                                                                        Love the amenities here, bingo, several different card games, pot lucks, pancake breakfasts, shuffle board, etc. , never lack of anything to do here! We love the pool and hot tub or shoot some pool, sit out under our canopy while reading or napping!  So much to see yet, we want to go to San Antonio to see the Alamo, cross the international bridge into Mexico, spend a day at South Padre Island and take the Pirate ship out to see the dolphins, check out the zoo, but one of the things we like doing the most is "NOTHING", laying around and relaxing and that is something I had to practise because I felt lazy and guilty about it, but Craig has been giving me some tips on how to relax, goes something like this, "will you leave me alone and slow down, God" lol, so I do!
     Well, enough for today, want to go out and enjoy our patio or as some call it our Texas Room and watch Craig barbeque!  So until next time, God Bless!!