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Sunday, December 4, 2011


                                     Eddie and Tony our co-workers!

                                              One of Our workamper potlucks!
                                            Jerry and Cynthia(Alabama), she is an office worker!

Well, back to work after 4 days off! We work 4 days on and 4 days off, 3 hours a day for 3 days and 3 1/2 hours on our late day of work! We clean bathrooms, showers, the ballrooms, halls, pool room, exercise room, mail room, laundromats,empty trash, etc. During the week we clean only at the Trade Winds side and on the weekend we clean the Mission Bell side! We switch off with Eddie and Tony the other two workampers in housekeeping! We also rotate the days, like if we start on Mon. the following week we start on Tues. During the week they have their full-time housekeeper Hope, but she is off on the weekends and holidays!  There is also I believe 8 workampers in grounds keeping and maintenance, some work 6 hours a day and some work the same hours as us! There are also 4 Camp hosts and about 8-10 in activities, and 2 gals in the office!
                                         Jerry and Cynthia (who goes by Alabama) were the first two we knew here, I was in contact with both of them long before we actually started here, became friends with them through facebook and reading their blog!  Jerry is 100% disabled due to a gunshot wound in 1990. He took 2 bullets to the chest, one of which went into his spine. Although not confined to a wheelchair, he has a lot of problems that prevent him from working, Cynthia works in the office full-time as a secretary! You should check out their blog at http://rvroadtrip.us , they have quite a story to tell and give all the credit to God!
                                      The work here isn't bad at all and in exchange for our work we get our lot rent free with  full hook-up, $50 credit towards electricity and get into all the activities here free, the use of the pool, hot tub, pool hall, exercise room, etc.!  There is never a lack of something to do here! 
                                  We don't mind the work but would really like to be camphosts with our next gig but as of right now we will be in housekeeping in Gaylord Mich. but we are still looking, not completely sure if we will take that position or hold out for a camphost position! We would like to someday not work in the summer months and just travel this great country, so much to see yet. Don't mind workamping in the winter months, but during the warmer months would love to go to the Grand Canyon, Colorado, Arizona, Yellow Stone etc., what are hoping to do someday is in the early spring start heading to Florida to see our friends there, then onto Virginia to stay about a month with my daughter Susan and his husband Russ, then head for Michigan and stay a couple months there so we can spend some quality time with family and friends, then in late summer head west, taking our time to see that part of the country and slowly head for our next gig, wherever that may be! We would also like to camphost or work in Arizona so we can spend the winter with Craig's dad and step-mother, their health isn't real good, they are in their 80's and live in Oregon, but spend their winters in Arizona! But getting a gig there is hard because that is where everyone wants to be!
                     Well, as you can see our dreams continue on and still making plans and doing what we have to do so we can live our lives to the fullest to the end!
                            Craig just made a big breakfast so until next time, God Bless!