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Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Woke up to hear the geese flying overhead and realized we will be following them today!  Had my son Matt , his wife Courtney and grandkids Kennedy and Hayden over last night for a wienie roast, shed a few tears as we all hugged, but I told them it's not good-bye it's "hey, I'll see you in the spring"! Mixed feelings, happy,sad,excited, anxious, scared, challenged but ready! Leaving town around 2:00! Keep us in your prayers, this is the start of living our dream!  Got a lot of work ahead of us before we leave, packing, dropping things off at the house, picking more things up and then figuring out how to get it all in the motorhome, deciding what chairs to take, I want all four and he said no, just pick two, lol, one of the many little disagreements we have had, but we end of laughing and I usually get my way! So to our kids and grandkids we love you all and will miss you everyday, this is harder for us then you will ever realize but it's a dream I have had way back when I was married to your Dad, we always said when we have raised the kids and are retired let's run away in a motorhome and see the world, well, I know he is smiling as I continue on with our dream, funny thing is that when I mentioned this dream to Craig and almost fell out of his recliner and said OMG, yes, that has ALWAYS been my dream too, so here we go following that dream! So be good, take care of yourselves and stay out of trouble, lol, we will be praying for you's everyday!