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Tuesday, January 10, 2012


We left Falcon State Park and headed for Laredo, but the brakes were acting up on the MH, so we went back to Rio Grand to have it checked out with a mechanic there and he said it was possibly the power steering pump, which also has something to do with the brake system, it's an assist or something like that! He said he really wasn't equiped to work on it! So we called a Laredo mechanic and asked if he could check it out for us, he said no problem, but we would have to get a motel for the night because we wouldn't be allowed to stay in the MH because of insurance reasons! He said he is sure he would have it ready to go by today! I hope so because I hate motels, we had to get a pet friendly motel and they always put you in a smoking room and it stinks plus it is also a truck motel, there are semi's coming and going all night!  If we have to stay another night we are going to find another place, this one is a joke, Craig said we got what we paid for, if I would have paid $20 more we could have stayed at a nicer motel, lol, I believe he is right! I am cheap! We were going to stay at a state campground here for a couple of nights but with the setback with the MH we are going to head straight to Garner State Park near San Antonio, stay a few days there then move on towards Arizona. Not sure we want to stay in San Antonio too long, we have noticed the further north we go the colder it gets! I see that Houston has flooded! We will just have to wait and see what happens! 
                 Waiting to call the mechanic and get the news, praying the cost isn't too bad and they can fix it, sure am missing my Dolphin and all the conviences that it offers!  Besides Laredo isn't the safest place to be! Too close to the border and high crime area! This is the type of place we are trying to avoid! Took Lenny out for a walk late last night and Craig stood guard over me, I thought that was so sweet, I said are you afraid I  might be taken hostage by drug lords, he said he was more afraid they would steal Lenny and sell him for drugs!  I said well, Thanks, nice to know that you think Lenny has more of a chance of being taken then me, lol, he said he didn't mean it that way! Yeah, right! If he thinks no one wants to kidnap a 62 year old slightly overweight mouthy woman, I got news for him, there are plenty of 80 yr. old men who would love to have their way with me, plus I am sure the drug lords could get at least a couple of joints for me! Anyways, we both agree on one thing here and it's we want out of this town!
                             Well, heading for breakfast and then checking on the Dolphin, hope it is ready to be released from the hospital!  Wish us luck!!