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Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Passed out candy at the resort on Halloween night, we were told that we can expect around 200 kids, well after about 45 min. I was beginning to wonder what was going on, one car at a time, a few kids at a time, I was giving hand fulls of candy thinking they weren't coming, even the experienced residents said they didn't think they were coming this year! Well, all of a sudden they were coming in truck and van loads, all sizes, babies to very tall children, monsters to princesses, superheroes to cartoon characters, all cute! I started running out of candy after generously giving out handfulls earlier! The cute witch next to me had bags full, so she shared with me! I bet at least 250 kids showed up!  I dressed as a witch as did 2 others, so one was the the good witch, the other was the bad witch so I told them I was the moody witch, good and bad!  At exactly 6:30 everyone headed for the party at Trade Winds, the hall was packed, hard to find a place to set, but we ended up sitting right across from a couple from Canada, loved listening to them talk, they started full-timing last year and love it, they sold their huge home and bought a doublewide trailor and a motorhome, but after spending one winter here at Mission Bell they sold the motorhome and bought a park model, they take their time coming here every year and do a lot of site seeing! The resort served hot dogs, baked beans, lemonade, tea and coffee, cupcakes and ice cream cones for dessert, we even got to play a game, best costume prizes were given out also! So much fun, thanks to Audry, Scott and Cynthia, good job!  I was feeling a little sad because this would be the first Halloween not seeing my grandkids dressed up, but we did have an earlier Halloween with them at the campground in Michigan, plus my son sent pictures of the kids all dressed up! 
                                                                   Well, gotta get ready for work, so until next time have a great day!!