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Friday, May 4, 2012


                                           ALL SET UP! ONE OTHER CAMPER!
                                                      THE CABIN
                                              SUNSCREEN ALSO HELPS WITH THE WIND AND RAIN

Wow, what a storm, hail, high wings, heavy down pours, thank God we staked, straped and staked our canopy down, satellite went in and out but finally it came back in just in time to watch Idol, lol, but have to admit I love the sound of rain hitting the roof, Lenny freaks out but I love it! I went to our house in Bay City yesterday and dropped off and picked up a few things, love that house, but love living in our motorhome more, even if it is a lot smaller, but there is a freedom that I can't explain about it, yes, a lot less room but in a lot of ways a lot more, we live on acres and acres of woods, a beautiful lake a couple blocks away, deer come out in the evening, birds sing all day long, there are trails everywhere, we seem to discover new ones everyday, a big play area and a beach for the grandkids when they visit, there is a little cabin here for friends and family that can be rented, as a matter of fact my best friend of 37 years Peggy is coming this weekend and we are staying in the cabin for a girls weekend, time for catching up, do our hair, eat, watch girlie movies and laugh until we cry, my kids have bought a tent so they can follow us around! This is a beautiful way to live, I am so at peace here, I fall asleep with the sounds of the waves hitting the beach and wake up to the birds singing! It was a such a busy day in Bay City, but had a lot to be done, went to doctor and had a few things checked out, which led to blood work, a dobler on my leg, and a mammogram scheduled for next week, nothing serious, but I want to be in the best of health so I can continue to live this beautiful life, then a two hour trip to the dentist, I also want to look nice too, lol, then went to Kmart to get some much needed items, hit a couple of rummages sales for e-bay, stopped at my brother Bob's house to pick up Craig's sweatshirt that he borrowed last weekend, then got some new tires on our truck, thanks to my son Matthew, went to city hall to pay a bill, then to the bank to transfer some money and make a house payment! Sooo has you can see it was a busy day but got everything done on my list which had about 20 items on it, left at 7 am and didn't get home until 6 pm, drove thru heavy rain and hail, but made it!  Today we plan on putting up our humming bird feeder because we have seen them in our bird feeder, then run into Bad Axe (about 20 miles away) to pick up a few items, oh yeah, we made homemade ice cream last night with our ice cream maker, can't wait to try it on the grandkids when they come and we plan on having an ice cream social with the campground kids as part of our camphosting duties! 
                              What we are finding out is we want to take good care of ourselves so we can live this lifestyle as long as we can, Craig has traded his scooter electric wheelchair for a bike and I got me a bike also, we have been eating as healthy as we can, taking lots of walks, Craig can only walk short distances but that is why he has a bike now and he is doing good with it, he said he can feel his legs getting stronger.  People have asked us "aren't you getting sick of living in your rv yet?" I tell them "why would we, it is like a forever vacation"!  Yeah, we realize it will all end someday and we will have to park the motorhome forever but until then we will live our dream until we can't live it no more! We absolutely love it, can't wait to get up every morning to see the new day, during the day we sit out under our canopy and gaze at the stars and if it isn't raining eat lunch and supper outside then we love going inside to watch satellite tv, playing on the computer as Craig falls asleep in his recliner! Even Lenny is loving the life and is even getting better when strangers come around!
                      Well, gotta get off here and help Craig hang the new bird feeder! So until next time "GOD BLESS"!