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Saturday, October 29, 2011



                                          Me blogging away!
     Craig watch Robin Hood outside! And birthday boy with his new plants I got him for his birthday!
We had a meeting today at the Friendship hall, coffee and donuts were offered. Audry our activities director introduced herself to everyone. She started out saying "we lost quite a few residents this year and that life is so short, also lost our 54 years old son this year, so remember to wake up each day and appreciate life, don't wake up grouchy and in a bad mood, life is too short so enjoy every moment!"  I so agree, I went up to her afterwards and told her I was so sorry about her son and can't imagine the pain of burying a child! But I do know the pain of loss, I married my first husband 2 weeks before I turned 17 and he was 19, we had 4 beautiful kids together, he worked all the overtime he could get, as much as he loved hunting he'd pull triple shifts so others could go hunting, he'd work every holiday for the double time pay, I asked him not to do that, to take time off to hunt and enjoy the holidays, but he said when I retire I will have all the time in the world to do that, well, he didn't because he was killed at 35 yrs. old by a 17 year old drunk driver while on his way home from work after pulling a double shift, leaving behind 4 children, age 3 to 15, what hurts so much is knowing that he'd never do all the things he wanted to when he retired!  I have learned to life each day like it's my last, I have never passed up having a good time because the house needs to be cleaned or I can work a holiday for the extra money, I have worked holidays and a lot of overtime but that was only if there was nothing else going on! I see so many work way past their retirement age, I retired as soon as I could draw my pension and draw social security, I felt that every day I worked past 62 was one day taken away from the life I really want to be living! Sure money is tight, very tight, but you learn to do without things, pay up as much as you can before you retire, we may have an older motorhome and older vehicles but they are in excellent condition and gets us where we want to go, I refuse to be tied to a home and a fancy car, so many work until they die because of the material things they think they have to have! I want to live like my parents did, they drove old vehicles, didn't wear fancy clothers, they never owned new furniture or appliances, the drove a 25 year old motorhome to do there flea markets in and drove an older van out west to Arizona and Las Vegas, us kids would pray they made it back ok and they always did, half the time we had no idea where they were, sure they missed a few important events with grandkids birthdays or holidays, but their grandkids loved them so much, they named their children after them, it had nothing to do with the quantity of time they spent with them it was the quality of time! They were the kindest people ever, they would meet at a local restaurant in Vassar every morning and people would always seek them out and set at their table, it was always the loudest table in the place! They died 6 months apart and my Dad said he wishes we could all go on a nice vacation together one more time before he died, but he passed before we could do that, but in memory of Mom and Dad us kids took some of the money from the sale of there home and went on vacation together, we made sure we watched a sunrise together in memory of them! We all had a hard time but we knew they would want us to move on! So I guess what I am trying to say here is life IS short so live it and follow your dreams, it may take some sacrifices but it is so worth it! I have the gypsy soul of my parents and the want to see this country, I don't care if we are a little cramped in the motorhome, or we don't drive a new car every year because at the end of my life that isn't what people are going to remember about me, they are going to say "she lived till she died!".  It is Craig's birthday today and when I asked him what he wanted for his birthday he said "I have everything I want, living my dream with you!" Thank God I am with someone who has the same silly dreams I have!  Today we are sitting outside our MH and watching TV as we are reclined in our lawn chairs having a mixed drink! Life is good! 
                             Well, anyways, enough of that, time to get off here and enjoy the rest of the day! Steaks on the grill for supper, cheap steaks, but at least they are steaks, lol! Until next time, have a great day!