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Friday, October 14, 2011


Well we made it! We met the resort managers Cynthia and Scott and Cynthia, who goes by the name Alabama the office worker as soon as we pulled in, we were given all kinds of paper work about where everything is, rules, who to call if we have problems, name tags, etc. We were escorted to our site by Scott and he not only showed us our site but helped back the MH in, then he got out some sandpaper and cleaned up the prongs on our plug so we would get better power! Then Alabama and her husband Jerry pulled up in a golf cart  to welcome us here! Later after we finished setting up we went for a walk and Alabama let us know where a few workcampers were gathered and we should stop over and meet them, so after our walk we did and what a friendly and welcoming group of people!  We are having a Workampers meeting Monday and go over all our schedules and positions then on October 22nd they our having a Burgers and the fixin's potluck, so we can all have a good time and get to know everyone! I woke up this morning at 5 am and was so excited that I put my walking shoes on and went for a walk aroung the resort, it is so safe and peaceful here, I found the pool and it is beautiful with a thatched roof for sitting under and an awesome pool that has a lighted path to pool area, palm trees everywhere, everything is so clean and well taken care of! I LOVE IT HERE! I feel that we made the right choice coming here, even Lenny has been good, not sure how long that will last!  Only problems we have run into is our satellite dish doesn't let us get in local channels so we have Direct TV will be here Sunday morning to fix it and for some reason when we turn on our airconditioner both conditioners run instead of one at a time, can't have that or we will be blowing some breakers, so gotta have that checked out, so it was so cool last night we just shut the air off and opened the windows! But besides that everything is perfect!  Now Craig is up and wants to go check out the pool and Lenny is wants to go check out the dog walk! Above are pictures of our MH set up and our name tags(we are official now) Below is pictures of the pathway to the pool and the pool area!  So until next time!