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Tuesday, February 12, 2013


                                   BROWN HILL CRANE OUTSIDE MY WINDOW
                                      CRAIG SPRAYING AROUND TREE FROG CAMP
                                     CRAIG BY A TRAP WE PUT TO PUT TOGETHER
                                        WORKING WITH VOLUNTEER JOE
                                             CRAIG CHECKING OUT A HUGE SPIDE

We leave here on the 28th of Feb. and are truly going to miss this place, best gig we ever had, but it is time to move on and let the new volunteers start but we will be back next year for sure, already booked for Oct. 1st, 2013.  When we leave here we will be headed for Hammock State Park for 5 days and then to Lake Kissimee State Park for 3 days and then on to Homosassa Springs to our friends Annette and Barry's place until we start heading back to Michigan the first week of April, plan on stopping by and seeing our friends and former volunteers from here Brooks and Frieda at Swannee River State Campground. We have to be back to start our new gig May 1st at Sleeper State Park in Caseville Michigan, but mostly want to be back by April 11th for my son's birthday, my Grandson's birthday April 14th and my Granddaughter's birthday on April 14th..as you can see April is a busy month for birthday's! I can't wait to see everyone and hoping they can spend some time with us in Caseville and Port Austin, I also plan on spending more time at their places this summer and taking the grandkids for a few days with us while doing our gigs.  We have scheduled a couple of our summer gigs to make it easier for them to see us without driving a couple of hours. We will be in Caseville from May 1st to June 1st, which is about 45 min. from the kids and grandkids and a favorite place for them to hang out, plus my step-children are from this area and hoping to see them again, then we head up to Tawas Point State Park June 1st to July first, now this is at least an hour and a half for them to travel but our friends Annette and Barry have a huge cabin up there and I plan on having the kids and grandkids come and stay with us there and at the campground for a few days, then we are back to the thumb area at Port Crescent State Park, which is just down the road from Sleeper and not that far for them to travel and will be there the whole month of July, now we didn't plan on hosting anymore after Port Crescent but North Higgins Lake called and they want us back, it is a couple hour drive for the family but we love this place and realized that we have to stay someplace before we head back to Florida and with the cost of a campground site being $24-$28 a night we really can't afford that, we wanted to travel further up north and stay at a few campgrounds up there and see the Lake of the Clouds and the Sand dunes, but we figure we will take the car and take a couple days off while at Higgins and head up there for a mini vacation, also want go to Mackinaw Island again!  I also want to spend some time with my best bud Peggy, we may go on a couple of overnight stays to Mackinaw City, got lots of plans for this spring and summer.  It will be filled with quality and quantity but most of all memories. We still have our house rented out and can't really go there, planned on taking it back but got a good renter in there now and can't really afford to live this life and pay the cost of maintaining a home too without renting it out.  I have the hardest time during the holidays, I miss the family soo much at that time, so I plan on flying home for Christmas this year to be with them, after that I am fine, hate missing a couple birthdays but some things can't be avoided and I know they understand!
                                          Been weeding out a lot of clothes and unsellable ebay items! Gotta make more room once we hit the road again, I have clothes that I haven't worn since we left almost 2 years ago and plus waaaaay to many pairs of shoes, plus ebay items that I have relisted and relisted and am acturally losing money on them now, so took 3 bags to the thrift store yesterday! Been slowly taking wind chimes & twinkle lights down, rugs, coolers, grills, etc. and packing them away, been washing windows and plan on giving the old motorhome a bath before we leave, it has been sitting here for 4 months and is pretty dirty, Craig also plans on changing the oil too!
                                                       Time to move on, getting the old hitch-inch feeling again, time to hit the road! We want to take our time heading for Michigan, we had to rush down here last Oct. so want to take our time heading back, hope to see our nephew Brian in Alabama as we pass thru and also when we leave here next year we are going to Virginia to spend a week or so at my daughter Susan and son-in-law Russ home in Virginia...
                                                            Enjoy the day! God Bless!