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Monday, December 19, 2011


Never a dull moment in this life! I haven't been blogging on here because we were waiting to see what was going to happen! And what is going on is Craig has been having a lot of pain and numbing in his arms, mostly his left, he has been trying to get into the VA Clinic to see a doctor, they were finally able to do x-rays and discovered that he has bone deteriorating disease in both shoulder sockets, they ask what kind of work he was doing and he said housekeeping, they said he can not continue or he will totally lose the use of his arms, he can not mop, sweep, move his arms in circular motions, etc., he said what if he just continue workamping until April, they said "no, and if he continued he wouldn't even be able to drive the motorhome back to Michigan", I also found out he was taking 2 pain pills on the days we worked so he could get thru the 3 hrs.  So we made a decision to let the managers here know that we can't continue and showed them the paperwork from the VA, said we were sorry and if we could stay here a copy more weeks until we leave because of needing to see a VA specialist, we will pay to stay, they said they understood and will allow us to stay until the first couple of weeks in Jan.  The VA also said he should be fine until we get back to Michigan as long as Craig doesn't over use his arms, the reason he is having problems now is because of the type of work he has to do here.
                              Now this isn't all bad, the Lord works in mysterous ways, I just found out that I am entitled to my late husbands pension and back pay for 26 years, because I qualified for a widow's pension when he died and should have been recieving it all this time! So financially we will be fine, we wouldn't have to work to continue our life-style. What we really want to do is see the country and we aren't seeing much of anything but Southern Texas, can't go too far because we have to be back to work every 4 days.  So in a way it is a blessing, he will be fine as long as he takes it easy and we can continue to travel!
                   So what are our plans now? My daughter and her husband Russ are going to be here this Friday for 10 days, then we are going to head for a state campground until he has seen an orthopetic doctor here, plus will give us a chance to get our mail service set up, we need the generator looked at because it didn't start the other day when they lost power here and we plan on doing a lot of boon docking in our travels, we are getting the carpet replaced with hardwood floors in our motorhome (has light beige carpet and impossible to keep clean) and we are getting the motorhome washed and waxed before we head out, found a guy that will do it for around $65, that includes the canopy! Then we are heading for Yuma Arizona to see Craig's Dad and step-mom, he hasn't seen his 84 yr. old Dad in about 10 years, his father goes to Yuma every winter, we tried to get a workamp job there before here but no luck, but now we don't have to worry about it, we will be staying at a relative that has a cement pad with full hook-up next to his home in Yuma!  Then after a couple of weeks there we are going to slowly start working our way back home, we will travel the southern route, go to Florida to see our friends Annette and Barry for a few days, then on to Virginia to see my daughter and son-law, will stay there until around the end of April then start working our way back to Michigan. Once we are there Craig will see a specialist their about surgery! Spend the summer at a campground there so we can be with the family! Then who knows! Life sure has a lot of bumps and potholes in this life but you make the best of life you can, every day is a new adventure!
                                            So until next time, have a blessed day!