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Thursday, October 6, 2011


Well, here we are in Sulphur Spring's "Cooper's Lake State Campground!" Beautiful state, even with all the damage from the drought, miles of dead trees, brown grass and dried up rivers! You know you see it on TV and hear about how bad it is, but to actually see it is sad, I feel for this state! But it is still beautiful here and the friendliest people you will ever meet, everywhere we stop to get gas or at rest areas someone walks up to us and starts talking and asking us questions about where we are going or where are we coming from, like when we got to our site, we were trying to get a signal on our satellite, so Craig walked over to our neighbor's site and asked what they had their dish set at, well, they not only told us how but came over and spent an hour trying helping us, never got it to work because we have a bunch of trees right in front of our site, so we thanked them and we all set at our picnic table and just talked about life!  Now that's what I'm talking about!!! We seen our first amadillo about a 100 feet from our motorhome, I got my camera out, zoomed in a got a good picture of it!
                                    Had to run our air for the first time today, just think about it, Sunday when we left Michigan we were using heaters or the furnace to keep warm, couple states later we were sleeping with the windows open, now we are running the air!  Was pretty warm too, about 95 degrees when we got here, we were both sweating like pigs, I told Craig we need to get use to it if we are going to be here for 6 months, he said it will get cooler as we move into the fall and winter and I guess he is right, tonight it is about 75 degrees, good sleeping weather!!
                                    The river we are camped in front of is down so much from the drought that about 500 feet of it has cracked ground and there is a boat dock that goes to nowhere because the water has receded so far back, I looked down as I was walking to the lake and saw all these huge seashells everywhere, so I picked enough of them up to clean up and mail back to the grandkids, they love anything that has to do with nature, better then t-shirts! 
                                     We kind of rushed getting here, but now we can slow down and stay at this campground for a couple of days or any other one we see that we like because we don't have to be in Mission for at least a week!  Guess will get ready for bed now, all this excitement has made us both sleepy and we want to get up early because we heard that deer are out and about early in the morning and we don't want to miss that and hey, maybe I will even see Mr. Amadillo again!! So until the next time, Good Night All!    P.S.  Believe it or not but the pictures above are two separate pictures, the Welcome to Texas picture was taken as we passed by in our motorhome and the armadillo picture was taken in front of our campsite, it looks like one picture, lol!