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Friday, January 13, 2012


Finally the motorhome is fixed and ready to hit the road! Hate staying in a motels, that is why we got a motorhome! Headed out early Thurs. morning and got to Garner State Park around noon, no phone service or internet but believe it or not we have satellite TV, a volunteer told me I could get internet through the park, so here I am! My kids were freaking out because no one could get a hold of us, so we got a visit from a ranger that my daughter was worried and wanted to speak to me, they let me use their phone to call her, I told her we were fine, she said why didn't you call or post on facebook, I told her I didn't have phone or internet service and couldn't contact anyone! She said everyone was worried about us and couldn't get a hold of us, I told her there are going to be times and places that we will have no phones or internet, don't worry about us!
We are in a beautiful park, hills all around us and a the beautiful spring fed Frio river with turquoise water with bald cypresses along the banks! We were going to stay only a couple of days but it is so beautiful and peaceful here! This is what we wanted all along, had a campfire last night, first time since we left Michigan, they finally lifted the fire band in this part of Texas, felt good because the temps dipped into the high 20's last night, had a frost warning, but going to reach up into the 60's today! The sun is shining and we have been sitting outside all day and enjoying the beauty! Felt back about having to leave Mission, but this is the what we really wanted to do, see this country and travel, not stay in on spot for 6 months, but it was the only way we could afford to do what we wanted to do, but the good Lord helped us out with a financial gift and sounds strange but Craig was told by the doctors that he can't physically do camp working! So here we are and loving it!
We are sitting outside listening to music and having a couple of beers! I can't help but think of my parents and their love of travel, I feel them with me and I get so emotional as I think of them, I wish I could have told them that, us kids use to wish they would be home more often and not take off for months at a time, but now and only now do I realize what a wonderful time they had, I am seeing the things they seen and wishing I could call them and share it with them, I wish I could tell them "Ok, I finally get it, now I finally understand, I get it, I really do!" Thank God they had that time together and enjoyed their lives until they died!

Well, gotta go for now, we are driving to San Antonio to see the Alamo tomorrow, will post pictures!