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Sunday, September 25, 2011


The day has arrived, we officially left Oscoda Friday afternoon after living in our motorhome in our dear friends backyard for 2 months! Had a fantastic time, had family and friends come up and see us while we were there! My best friend of 36 years came up and spent 3 glorious all girls days with Annette and I,  stayed in the house with them while Craig stayed in the motorhome, not sure if he was being kind or didn't want to be around 3 silly old gals acting 16 again! We all got our hair cut, colored, hi-lited by Peggy, even Craig got in on that, then we rented movies and watched all girl flicks, we talked and shared memories until we laughed and cried into the wee hours of the night, not to mention over eating and even had a few Pina Colatas!  Thanks to Annette, Barry and Richard for allowing us to park our big rig there and enjoy the sunrises, beach and most of all..the great hospitality they showed us! We cried and hugged when we left knowing we wouldn't see each other until next year!
                        We pulled into Bay City State Park late Friday afternoon and was surprised to see the campground packed, I asked the ranger why it was so busy this time of year and she told me it was Halloween weekend where kids got to decorate pumpkins and cookies, play games and go trick or treating, just about every campsite was decorated for Halloween, there was a prize for the best decorated site, they had us right in front of the playgrounds, which we would normally avoid, but with the grandkids coming Sat. it would be perfect.  We sure picked a great weekend to be here since our kids and the grandkids will be here to see us off before we head for Texas Wed.! Thank Goodness I have Halloween costumes I sell on e-bay, the kids all got to dress up and go trick or treating, we bought 240 pieces of candy for Craig to pass out while I walked around with the grandkids and he ran out about 15 minutes before it was over! Had a weinie roast and then hugged and kissed them good-bye, I did good and didn't let them see me cry until they left, that was hard especially with the little 3 year old knowing he wouldn't understand where Papa and Nana are!  It was an emotional day but rewarding, we both collapsed in bed by 10:00!
                                    Tomorrow we are taking the motorhome in to have some last minute minor repairs made, drop off and pick up some things in the garage, get some laundry done, mail some sold ebay items off at the post office, etc. then Tues. Craig has a doctor appointment at the vet's hospital and I have some business with my doctor, and Wed. I have my mammogram at 1:15, don't want to miss that, gas up both vehicles, pick up the mail for the last time and check on everything one last time,  then we are going to try to see the kids, grandkids and family one more time before we leave.  Phewwww!  Hoping to be out of Michigan by evening when we rest for the night!
                                           So wish us luck as we start our vagabond lifestyle and pray we have God as our co-pilot and have all good luck, until the next time, Good Night and God Bless!