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Saturday, March 10, 2012


                                         HELLO NEW MEXICO!
                                                   A TEEPEE IN NEW MEXICO!
                                         OUR CAMPHOST READY TO SHOW US OUR SITE!
Had a great time in Arizona with family but time to move on, having a bad attack of hitch-inch!  We left Arizona Thur. around 11:00, stayed at Saguro SKP(escapees) Co-op resort in Benson, Az, because we are Escapee members we stayed for $15 plus electricity which was on $2.50.  Left there around 11am Fri. and headed for New Mexico! The wind was horrible plus we were really pushing the motorhome up some pretty high mountains, so we decided to quit driving around 4 pm and settle down for the night, found another SKP park for only $16 a night including electric at Low Hi RV Ranch in Deming, NM. Both were nice parks but still love State Campgrounds the most, resorts are like living in a trailor park, where state campgrounds are more with nature and usually more scenic! Temperture dropped down to the 30's last night, going to be raining and only in the 50's today! Should be in Texas today and Craig said it will take us about 3 days to get thru it, hoping to be in Florida by the 17th, where we plan on staying for a couple of weeks and visit our friends Annette and Barry, then head for Virginia to see our daughter Susan and Russ, stay there until the end of April then head for Michigan.  Got a bite on a couple camphost positions, we have decided to go for  the camphost positions only, less physical labor, so we are going for state campground camphosts only!  We are looking into the Bay City and Caseville area in Michigan and for next fall the Homossasa area in Florida! With the price of gas possibly going as high as $5 a gal. we are not going too far from home, Mich. for the summer months and Florida for the winter months!  We have been pretty lucky with the gas prices so far, it was up to $4.05 in Arizona when we left, we were able to fill up for $3.77  and $3.61 so far, still a lot but prices are getting lower as we head east! Gas prices are one of the reasons we decided to find only escapees and state campgrounds to stay at, gotta cut cost somewhere, plus finding camphosting positions will help also! But the biggst reason to stay in Mich. and Florida we will still be closer to our kids and grandkids, miss them all so much, but have to admit how proud I am of all of them, they have made it thru some very hard times since we left and have done ok, a couple of times I was ready to fly home but was told not to worry that everything will be ok! And they were, I pray EVERY NIGHT for them and am so proud to see how well they have handled everything that camp up, my boys were there for each other, big brother was there for his little brother and vice versa!
Their sister Susan and husband Russ have been there for us and her brother, love them all so much! Well, gotta get packed up and get out of here, believe it or not it is snowing, only light flurries but it's still snow, time to move on!  UGH!!!! Texas here we come!