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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


                                         Craig talking to his Dad and Uncle Carl
                                                  Their Beautiful home & Dad's motorhome
                                              The patio above and Craig in the hot tub below
                                    Aunt Lynn, Craig, Dad and Lindsay
                                       Craig with Aunt Coralee, Aunt Lynn and Uncle Grant
                                               Niece Lindsay with us!
                                        Silly Aunt Lynn and Uncle Carl

We have been here at Craig's family for a week today, and what a week it has been, enjoying family and getting re-aquainted. Craig hadn't seen his Dad and step-mom Zelda in over 10 years and his Aunts in over 40 years, plus he is meeting Uncles for the first time! What a wonderful family, Craig's niece even drove over from Phoenix to meet everyone! They have showed us a wonderful time, took us to a huge flea market, to church, cooked us all a few fantastic meals, played some Uno (I missed out on that, got sick) going to go to Mexico yet, there will be a big Superbowl party Sunday, going to go watch Dad,Zelda and Uncle Carl play in their band, they have even cut a few CDs! Craig's Aunt and Uncle live on a golf course in a beautiful southwest styled home with a pool and a hot tub, a beautiful patio that we have spent many days and evenings on, I swear it is like living on at a resort! They go out of their way to make us feel at home, they are such genuine people and truly love having us here! We will be leaving here Monday morning and heading south toward Phoenix where I will meet up with my Grandson Nathan and my best friends daughter Tricia! Then taking our time going to Florida to our friend Annette's! Hoping the price of gas goes down before we leave, it is $3.59 a gallon here right now, thinking because it is a small town and prices will lower as we travel south and east!
                                                      Well, that is all for now, here it is 9:30 and I'm not even dressed yet!