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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


                                              ENTERING MARYLAND!
                                           CAMPING IN MARYLAND!
                                         SAYING GOOD-BYE TO MY GRANDDOGS!
                                                 TINY AND SCOOTER!
                           BUFFALO IN MARYLAND BY OUR CAMPGROUND!
                                        HELLO PENNSYLVANIA!
                                                   JELLYSTONE PARK IN PENNSYLVANIA!
                                                  CRAIG AND LENNY RIDING THE TRAIN!
                                                 CREEK AT THE CAMPGROUND

We are heading home to Michigan after an amazing 7 months of seeing this beautiful country! But it isn't over yet, we will be camphosting from May 1st to Oct. 9th in Michigan at 4 different state campgrounds!  Going to be fun because we will be within an hour to and an hour and a half away from family and I sure have missed them. My son Matt and daughter-in-law Courtney have already got their tent out and ready to go camping with us, this will be grandkids Kennedy and Hayden's first time camping! My other son Richard and girlfriend Callie will be getting a tent and joining us also, with grandkids Callie Jean and Blaken, hoping Desiree will be coming also, but she is 15 yrs. old and might not want to join us!  So will try to do a one on one with her, like a shopping trip!  I can't wait to see them all! Got a busy weekend planned already, Sat. will be Blaken's 4th birthday party and Sunday will be Kennedy's 10th birthday party, Friday I have a dentist appointment, so plan on being home by Thursday night and will be staying at the Bay City State Campground until we leave for our camphost classes on Tuedays! 
Seen a lot of family and friends on our adventure, some we haven't seen in years and some we see back in Michigan but all were awesome and we enjoyed our visits with them, cried when I said good-bye to them but then I have always been a crybaby! Looking forward also to seeing my best friend Peggy and have some quality time with her, will be back in time for her birthday at the end of the month! Can't wait to see my brothers Bob and Butch, and sister-in-law Norma, hoping to do some serious camping with them also! 
I do know something after living on the road for so long is that I want to do it again and again! It has been the adventure of a life time and I don't want it to end! This time we will be going to Florida for the winter instead of west, we are trying to set up camphosting jobs for the fall, winter and early spring of 2012 to 2013, so wish us luck! Have already ordered our Woodall Campgrounds 2012 books and have renewed our campground discount cards.  We have learned a lot of thing that we have brought along with us we didn't need, so we will be repacking the MH, we will also be getting ride of our truck and get a lighter weight car, Craig want's to get rid of his wheelchair and get a bike, he hardly ever uses it and it is a pain to load and unload, we will be getting rid of all the extra tables, lights, clothes, etc., live and learn, but we knew that this first time out you will know what is needed and what isn't! We learned that it isn't like camping, when you put out a lot of lights and decorations, especially when you are traveling and on the move, but when we become camphosts for a month to months at a time we will go ahead and put the mat out the sunscreen, reclining chairs along with the campchairs, maybe even hang a few lights, chimes and our campsigns out!
We will be going home to 50 degrees compared to the 80's so it's going to be some adjusting until it gets warmer out, but they have been having some warm temps so hopefully it will warm back up before too long, the nights are still dipping down to freezing temps yet, brrrr, but that's when you appreciate the bonfires!
Well, getting ready to pack up and head for Ohio, so until next time,
God Bless!