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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Well, the day finally is here, "I AM FINALLY OFFICIALLY RETIRED" as of June 27th! Now the dream begins. Said good-bye to some good friends at work, I will truly miss them, management gave me an awesome farewell retirement party, a gift card that I used to buy yard plants, cedar mulch and a bottle of good liquor, lol, and oh yeah, they gave me a beautiful clock that will look lovely in the motorhome, lots of hugs and memories of my life there!  I also had a surprise from my fellow employees on Sat., balloons, gag gifts with a meat and cheese tray, crackers, donuts and a fruit tray, I had no eye make-up left on my eyes, was a very emotional couple days!  But now on to the life I really want to be living as soon as I get everything done around the house for the house-sitter to take over Aug. 1st, the motorhome is getting a complete going thru inside and outside, rebuilt transmission, tune-up, roof coating, etc., thanks to RPM Auto repair and my son who works there!  Should be able to bring the motorhome home today!  Been sorting thu household things that we will be taking with us, sold lots at our yard sale, donating some, garbage man is starting to hate us, lol, gave a lot to the kids and grandkids, been working on the garage and clearing a lot of junk out of there also so we have room for storage! Making arrangement with our friends up north to stay at their log cabin by the lake until we pull out the end of Sept. for Mission Texas.  PHEW, no wonder I am exhausted.  Most of all want to spend a lot of quality time with our kids and grandkids before we leave for the winter, I know it is going to be hard on them when we go but it is going to be even tougher on us, but winter's we all go into hibernation and don't see much of each other anyways, plus, with Craig's knees and the pain he goes thru in the cold months and even my arithitis started getting to me last winter, plus this is a 5 year dream of ours and it is only for 6 months we are going to be gone, then for 6 months in the late spring, summer and early fall they will own us until we are off to are next gig in the winter.  So until next blog, gotta go and get the yard work done!

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