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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Well, we finally have a lift off date when we head for Texas!!! Sept. 28th Wed. morning! I have a mammogram that afternoon, then we are off on our adventure!  Many people have called with concerns about the fires in Texas, we have been watching the news and the fires are at least 4-5 hrs. 350 miles north of where we will be, we are hoping it will be under control by the time we get there, if not we will have to drive thru the area, if they are still going on then we will have to deviate around it! But if it isn't under control by then, well, then Texas will be in serious condition!!!  Praying for those poor people in the fire area!  We have realized that we have packed too much and will be dropping a lot off at the house, plus there is a few things we thought we didn't need and do, so will be exchanging things out! Glad we decided to live in our Dolphin for a month and a half before we headed for Texas, learned a lot!  I have spent a lot of time with friends and family, got our finances figured out and got kind of an idea what we will have left over after bills, believe we will be ok! Hoping fuel prices will drop back down after the holidays, I see they went crazy over the Labor Day weekend!!  I have been buying a lot of things to sell on e-bay, clutters up the motorhome a bit, but it is all necessary, I plan on using e-bay as part of our income, so Craig is biting his tongue and not complaining too much!  Well, that is all for now, will try to post something every week or so until we are on the road, then hopefully daily!  Thanks everyone who is following my blog, I will try to keep it interesting! 


  1. excited to see how the ebay thing goes. I can't seem to move anything. Ever. LOL

  2. I sold $200 this week, my Halloween costumes are selling right now, this is good, but ebay selling is down from what it use to be, I use to be a power seller, to be a power seller you have to sell at least $1200 a month, haven't been able to do that in about a year, hoping it picks up again!
