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Saturday, November 5, 2011


                                           This are my favorite group! So many different kinds!
                                         These are by the office and on the way to the pool,
                                             that is an Aloe plant in the front!              
                                             Now this is so much prettier in person, it is
                                             about 3' tall and is green with little purple flowers
                                             inbetween the rows, the top looks like a whole separate
                                              plant, this is another one of my favorites ! 
                                       One of my favorite cacti, it is bigger then a basketball!
                                                                  Beautiful red bush!
                                                      Not sure what that is but it sure is pretty!
    The front of the huge Friendship Hall and Ball Room! Some of the Palm Trees are so tall I couldn't get them in the all in the picture!
                                       Oh My, I see a Reflection of a Michigan Rose! ^
                                                So many different varies in one little yard!
                                       Check out these cacti, I think that is a Christmas plant
                                         in the back,  but don't quote me on that!
                                                                Isn't this little yard beautiful?
         This last plant is from Hawaii, the lady that has it doesn't remember the name of it but she said it is the plant that the Hawaiian's make lei's out of!

                                Thought I would walk around the park today with Lenny and get some pictures of my favorite cacti and plants!  Would have got a lot more but Mr. Lenny had a picker in his foot and refused to walk any further until I got it out, which isn't easy because he thinks I am the one causing the pain and he kept nipping at me, but I finally got it out, you see among these beautiful plants are yucky burrs, one other problem I had with Mr. Attitude is that he wanted to pee on the plants I was trying to get pictures of, so I couldn't stay too long at each site because I didn't want him getting a cactus thorn in his, well, you know what I mean!
       We had a free pizza today from Papa Murphy's Pizza, they gave a bunch of coupons to the Mission Bell office to pass out to all the workampers! Another one of the perks!  It was different then any we have ever had, you tell them everything you want on it then you take it home and bake it yourself! Aside from the fact that the oven heated up the whole MH, it was pretty tasty! Helped to have a couple ice cold beers with it too!
                                             We went to bingo last night and didn't win a dime, but it was still a lot of fun, it is only .25 cents a card, it was over around 8:00, time enough to get home and watch our shows, besides we had to work in the morning! Our last day for 4 days, went pretty fast! 
                                               We love it here so much, I was mentioning to Craig that I understand how people come back here year after year, the only complaint I have about this place it that it can be pretty windy at times and they could use a little more rain because it is so dry!  Finally after 3 weeks we don't feel like we are on vacation and will have to leave for home soon, it feels more like a way of life now, except we don't have none of the worries that comes with taking care of a home, so much relaxing time, but strange thing is we are always busy, but it is doing things we want to do not what we have to do!  We planned on going to shoot some pool at around 2:00 and just realized it is 4:30 already, you have no idea what time it is because you don't care, lol!
                                           Well, gotta go, I guess we are headed for the pool hall! Until next time, God Bless!

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