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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


                                         Craig talking to his Dad and Uncle Carl
                                                  Their Beautiful home & Dad's motorhome
                                              The patio above and Craig in the hot tub below
                                    Aunt Lynn, Craig, Dad and Lindsay
                                       Craig with Aunt Coralee, Aunt Lynn and Uncle Grant
                                               Niece Lindsay with us!
                                        Silly Aunt Lynn and Uncle Carl

We have been here at Craig's family for a week today, and what a week it has been, enjoying family and getting re-aquainted. Craig hadn't seen his Dad and step-mom Zelda in over 10 years and his Aunts in over 40 years, plus he is meeting Uncles for the first time! What a wonderful family, Craig's niece even drove over from Phoenix to meet everyone! They have showed us a wonderful time, took us to a huge flea market, to church, cooked us all a few fantastic meals, played some Uno (I missed out on that, got sick) going to go to Mexico yet, there will be a big Superbowl party Sunday, going to go watch Dad,Zelda and Uncle Carl play in their band, they have even cut a few CDs! Craig's Aunt and Uncle live on a golf course in a beautiful southwest styled home with a pool and a hot tub, a beautiful patio that we have spent many days and evenings on, I swear it is like living on at a resort! They go out of their way to make us feel at home, they are such genuine people and truly love having us here! We will be leaving here Monday morning and heading south toward Phoenix where I will meet up with my Grandson Nathan and my best friends daughter Tricia! Then taking our time going to Florida to our friend Annette's! Hoping the price of gas goes down before we leave, it is $3.59 a gallon here right now, thinking because it is a small town and prices will lower as we travel south and east!
                                                      Well, that is all for now, here it is 9:30 and I'm not even dressed yet!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


                                                BOOTHILL, TOMBSTONE
                                     HAVING LUNCH AT A SALOON
                                         ME WITH TWO BAD GUYS!
                                               ENJOYING A DRINK AT AT THE SILVER NUGGET
                                 They found bones from a giant sloth like this in the Caverns
Finally am able to get on here, been in the mountains and weak internet! But the beauty of the places we have been staying is worth the sacrifices of no internet, no phones or no satellite! We stayed at the Kartchnes Caverns State Park and went thru the caverns, had to push Craig in a wheelchair, but well worth the trip. The we headed for Tombstone!  Best time ever, seen they famous shot out that started in the streets and then followed it to the Ok corral!  This town is awesome and you acturally feel like you went back in time! Everyone should go here at least once!  Then we moved on to Picacho Peak State Park for a night, what a beautiful park!
                                            CRAIG IN FRONT OF A HUGE CACTUS
                               BREATH TAKING SUNSET!
                                       BARREL CACTUS THAT LOOKS LIT UP AT SUNSET
                                  ENJOYING A CAMPFIRE!
                                             CRAIG AND LENNY ENJOYING THE FIRE!
                                            BEAUTIFUL SCENE!

We left Picacho Peak and heading for Welltons by Yuma to see Craig's father and step-mom at his Aunt Lynn and Uncle Carl's place, been about 15 years since we seen them! Beautiful people and home, they are letting us park here and use their electric and water! Feel right at home here! Well, gotta go for now and do some banking and mail some packages! Later!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Caverns of Sonora RV Park

Wasn't able to get on the internet for a couple of  days, we left Garner State Park on Monday and headed for Caverns of Sonora RV park, it just happened to be have was to Balmorhea State Park and we just wanted to stay one night to rest up!  It was a nice little park, with peacocks, goats, guinnie hens and herds of deer roaming around, it was only $15 to stay, there was only about 10 fhu sites but at least they were pull-thrus, but most of them were in pretty bad shape!  We were going to go check out the caverns but they said it was about 350 steps and there is no way Craig would be able to make it thru, he told me to go ahead if I wanted to, I laughed and said, don't feel bad, not sure I could make it either!  So we got up early and were back on the road and entering Big Bend Country, talk about beautiful county, OMG! Mountains and hills, took my breath away, Craig didn't like driving in the hills but I video taped everything, couldn't get enough of them!
                                        BIG BEND COUNTRY!

Balmorhea State Park
Balmorhea State Park was beautiful with a nature spring fed pool! The 77,053 square ft San Solomon Spring is the focal point of Balmorhea State Park. From 22 to 28 million gallons of water flow through the spring-fed swimming pool each day. Other CCC structures in the park include a limestone concession building, two wooden bathhouses, an adobe superintendent residence, and San Solomon Courts, an early expression of the modern-day motel, constructed of adobe bricks. All of the CCC buildings are constructed in a Spanish Colonial style with stucco exteriors and tile roofs.
Craig was even able to go snorkling in the pool, it was 3' to 20' deep with fish, ducks and turtles, even snakes, that was enough info to keep me out of the pool, plus it was only about 55 degrees out, but the temperture of the water is 72 degrees all year round, but still once you get out of the water you would freeze and of course there was the snakes, lol! We stayed 2 days and left this morning so we would be in El Paso by the afternoon because Craig has to go to a Vet's hospital to get his medication! So we are at the Mission RV Park, no not the one we left two weeks ago, a different one! It's ok here, expensive, about $34 a night, more then we usually pay but it has cable, internet, a heated pool, dog walk, laundromat and gift shop, but most of all it has a Walmart, Walgreen and a Vet's clinic/hospital so we can get all our personnal care taken care of! 
Worst thing is that the gas prices are going up, we paid $3.59 a gallon for gas, highest we ever paid, cost $175 to fill the MH up, eats it up fast when you are going up and down the mountains!  We will stay here until all our business is taken care of, then on to New Mexico for a couple of days then to Yuma to meet up with Craig's Dad, been along time since we seen him and are really looking forward to it! 
Well, I will try to get on here when we get into New Mexico, so until then, have a great day!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


We went to San Antonio to see the Alamo, about a 90 mile trip from our campsite! Even with a GPS we got lost once we in the city, finally found it and then had to find a parking spot, paid $8 to park in an old gas station, but it was right across the road so Craig didn't have to walk too far! I have to admit I was disappointed by all the visitors and gift shop, very commercialized! But I also realized we were on hallowed ground where history was made, it seemed that the events surrounding the spring of 1836 had just been cleaned up and the characters had been removed,  I was humbled and reminded that what we are and how we as a nation came by the blood, sweat and tears of so many brave men that died and gave their lives for what they believed it! I felt the ghosts of Texans and Americans were looking on waiting to be recognized for their sacrifice and appreciation in this "hallowed" place. There were people from all over the world fought there, Denmark, England, Scotland, Wales, etc., that was so amazing to me! Maybe a little too commercialized but very intact! I was impressed by the well and a huge Live Oak tree, took a couple pictures of it, but when I looked it up once we got home and I found out that the well was never at the Alamo, not even close to the well they used! I felt why would they put something there that didn't belong, wasn't there enough history there already? I would have took pictures of more things that were a genuine part of the Alamo! I also wanted to take a few pictures inside but wasn't allowed, but I understand and respected their request, but I did see several people taking pictures, guess they couldn't read! Originally the Mission San Antonio del Valero, the Alamo is by far the most famous historical site in Texas, playing a significant role in Texas' quest for independence from Mexico. Under the command of Col. William Travis, 189 Texan soldiers bravely defended this fort for 13 days before finally succumbing to Santa Anna's massive Mexican army in early 1836. The chapel and the Long Barrack are all that remain of the fort. Saved from civilian apathy by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, the mission is now a museum containing relics from the era. Texans take the Alamo very seriously!
                          We were going to check out the boardwalk but being in downtown San Antonio was a nightmare, it is exactly what we try to avoid! So once we seen the Alamo we left! Enjoyable ride there and back but were happy to be back to our quiet little world!  Roasted hot dogs over an open fire and went for a walk down a trail with a bird viewing house!  I have also seen so many deer around here, I thought they were large fawns with all those spots and Craig told me they were fallow deer, I also seen a albino deer also, but by the time I got my camera out it was gone!
                        We will be leaving here tomorrow morning and head toward New Mexico then Arizona, plan on taking our time and enjoy ourselves! To tell you the truth I am getting a little hitch-itch and am ready to hit the road again! Besides we have no phone service here and internet comes and goes, need to be someplace so I can keep in touch with the kids and grandkids! So until next time, God Bless!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Finally the motorhome is fixed and ready to hit the road! Hate staying in a motels, that is why we got a motorhome! Headed out early Thurs. morning and got to Garner State Park around noon, no phone service or internet but believe it or not we have satellite TV, a volunteer told me I could get internet through the park, so here I am! My kids were freaking out because no one could get a hold of us, so we got a visit from a ranger that my daughter was worried and wanted to speak to me, they let me use their phone to call her, I told her we were fine, she said why didn't you call or post on facebook, I told her I didn't have phone or internet service and couldn't contact anyone! She said everyone was worried about us and couldn't get a hold of us, I told her there are going to be times and places that we will have no phones or internet, don't worry about us!
We are in a beautiful park, hills all around us and a the beautiful spring fed Frio river with turquoise water with bald cypresses along the banks! We were going to stay only a couple of days but it is so beautiful and peaceful here! This is what we wanted all along, had a campfire last night, first time since we left Michigan, they finally lifted the fire band in this part of Texas, felt good because the temps dipped into the high 20's last night, had a frost warning, but going to reach up into the 60's today! The sun is shining and we have been sitting outside all day and enjoying the beauty! Felt back about having to leave Mission, but this is the what we really wanted to do, see this country and travel, not stay in on spot for 6 months, but it was the only way we could afford to do what we wanted to do, but the good Lord helped us out with a financial gift and sounds strange but Craig was told by the doctors that he can't physically do camp working! So here we are and loving it!
We are sitting outside listening to music and having a couple of beers! I can't help but think of my parents and their love of travel, I feel them with me and I get so emotional as I think of them, I wish I could have told them that, us kids use to wish they would be home more often and not take off for months at a time, but now and only now do I realize what a wonderful time they had, I am seeing the things they seen and wishing I could call them and share it with them, I wish I could tell them "Ok, I finally get it, now I finally understand, I get it, I really do!" Thank God they had that time together and enjoyed their lives until they died!

Well, gotta go for now, we are driving to San Antonio to see the Alamo tomorrow, will post pictures!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


We left Falcon State Park and headed for Laredo, but the brakes were acting up on the MH, so we went back to Rio Grand to have it checked out with a mechanic there and he said it was possibly the power steering pump, which also has something to do with the brake system, it's an assist or something like that! He said he really wasn't equiped to work on it! So we called a Laredo mechanic and asked if he could check it out for us, he said no problem, but we would have to get a motel for the night because we wouldn't be allowed to stay in the MH because of insurance reasons! He said he is sure he would have it ready to go by today! I hope so because I hate motels, we had to get a pet friendly motel and they always put you in a smoking room and it stinks plus it is also a truck motel, there are semi's coming and going all night!  If we have to stay another night we are going to find another place, this one is a joke, Craig said we got what we paid for, if I would have paid $20 more we could have stayed at a nicer motel, lol, I believe he is right! I am cheap! We were going to stay at a state campground here for a couple of nights but with the setback with the MH we are going to head straight to Garner State Park near San Antonio, stay a few days there then move on towards Arizona. Not sure we want to stay in San Antonio too long, we have noticed the further north we go the colder it gets! I see that Houston has flooded! We will just have to wait and see what happens! 
                 Waiting to call the mechanic and get the news, praying the cost isn't too bad and they can fix it, sure am missing my Dolphin and all the conviences that it offers!  Besides Laredo isn't the safest place to be! Too close to the border and high crime area! This is the type of place we are trying to avoid! Took Lenny out for a walk late last night and Craig stood guard over me, I thought that was so sweet, I said are you afraid I  might be taken hostage by drug lords, he said he was more afraid they would steal Lenny and sell him for drugs!  I said well, Thanks, nice to know that you think Lenny has more of a chance of being taken then me, lol, he said he didn't mean it that way! Yeah, right! If he thinks no one wants to kidnap a 62 year old slightly overweight mouthy woman, I got news for him, there are plenty of 80 yr. old men who would love to have their way with me, plus I am sure the drug lords could get at least a couple of joints for me! Anyways, we both agree on one thing here and it's we want out of this town!
                             Well, heading for breakfast and then checking on the Dolphin, hope it is ready to be released from the hospital!  Wish us luck!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


                             Craig catches a blue catfish!
                                        Steaks on the grill!
                                         Campsite #103
                                         Craig fishing a the point!
                                             Falcon Dam
                                     Not sure what kind of bird but sure is pretty and sounds cool!

Craig had a great day fishing, caught a blue catfish and a small panfish, but released them, said wasn't worth the work of cleaning them for the amount of fish he would get! Beautiful lake, could see the Falcon Dam and it is also the road to the International bridge to Mexico, you can actually see Mexico from where Craig was fishing!  I didn't realize how far he was from our campsite and decided to walk down there with Lenny, 3 miles later, well, 2 miles for Lenny because he decided to not walk another step, so I had to carry him the last mile, I was never so glad to see Craig in my life! Checked out his fish and asked how much longer he was going to fish, he said "oh, at least a couple more hours", well I wasn't about to hang around there that long, so me and Lenny headed back for a long walk, I need the exercise anyways! I walked about a half mile when I realized I was lost, tried to call Craig and OF COURSE his phone wasn't on him, so I kept walking another 10 minutes and I couldn't believe it, there was the Dolphin MH, I accidently found a shortcut, or Craig deliberately gave me the long way to go because he knows I need the exercise! And I didn't get attacked by any Javelinas! 
                        Speaking of Javelina's, I was just about to think I would never see one when I looked out my window and low and behold there was one in the site across from us, thank God I had my camera ready and video taped it but it didn't turn out thru the screen, but it looks like a small grey pig even tho they are not even related to pigs! I had added a little info about them:
                  Javelina are members of the peccary family. There are actually three species of peccaries that range from the Southwestern United States south to central South America. The only species found in the United States is the collared peccary, or javelina. In Texas, the javelina is found in the more arid or semi-arid parts of the state, with most occurring in the South Texas brush country, the Trans-Pecos' desert grasslands, and the Edwards Plateau's oak-juniper woodlands.
Javelina travel in small herds or "family groups" and seem to have a somewhat limited home range. In the winter, they are generally active in the early morning and late afternoon. Javelina are largely nocturnal during the hotter times of the year. They feed primarily on cacti (particularly prickly pear), mesquite beans, lechuguilla, sotol, mast, fruits, and insects.
Javelina have long held an undeserved reputation for ferocity. They have poor eyesight and will often remain around humans longer than other wildlife when startled. When cornered, they can defend themselves very effectively with sharp canine teeth or "tusks". Many dogs have been crippled or killed when trying to attack javelina. Yet aggressive encounters with humans are very, very rare. , javelina can be very troublesome to landowners when they become habituated to homes and human activities. They often sleep in caves, and cave like areas, and seem to find the crawl spaces under homes attractive. They may cause significant damage to yards and sprinkler systems because of their habit of rooting for food.
In Texas, javelina are classified as a game animal and may be legally harvested with a hunting license, during hunting season, in counties which have a season. However, local ordinances often prohibit the discharging of a firearm within city limits. Thus the methods described here are usually preferred over the killing of problem animals.
                              So there you go and now you know why I don't care to run into one while on a walk!
      When Craig got back from fishing we had steaks on the grill and enjoyed the sunset before going in for the night! Enjoy the pictures and video of the yellow bellied bird, not sure what it was, but he sang for the longest time outside our MH, you can hear him in the video! Below is another picture of the javalina!