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Sunday, January 15, 2012


We went to San Antonio to see the Alamo, about a 90 mile trip from our campsite! Even with a GPS we got lost once we in the city, finally found it and then had to find a parking spot, paid $8 to park in an old gas station, but it was right across the road so Craig didn't have to walk too far! I have to admit I was disappointed by all the visitors and gift shop, very commercialized! But I also realized we were on hallowed ground where history was made, it seemed that the events surrounding the spring of 1836 had just been cleaned up and the characters had been removed,  I was humbled and reminded that what we are and how we as a nation came by the blood, sweat and tears of so many brave men that died and gave their lives for what they believed it! I felt the ghosts of Texans and Americans were looking on waiting to be recognized for their sacrifice and appreciation in this "hallowed" place. There were people from all over the world fought there, Denmark, England, Scotland, Wales, etc., that was so amazing to me! Maybe a little too commercialized but very intact! I was impressed by the well and a huge Live Oak tree, took a couple pictures of it, but when I looked it up once we got home and I found out that the well was never at the Alamo, not even close to the well they used! I felt why would they put something there that didn't belong, wasn't there enough history there already? I would have took pictures of more things that were a genuine part of the Alamo! I also wanted to take a few pictures inside but wasn't allowed, but I understand and respected their request, but I did see several people taking pictures, guess they couldn't read! Originally the Mission San Antonio del Valero, the Alamo is by far the most famous historical site in Texas, playing a significant role in Texas' quest for independence from Mexico. Under the command of Col. William Travis, 189 Texan soldiers bravely defended this fort for 13 days before finally succumbing to Santa Anna's massive Mexican army in early 1836. The chapel and the Long Barrack are all that remain of the fort. Saved from civilian apathy by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, the mission is now a museum containing relics from the era. Texans take the Alamo very seriously!
                          We were going to check out the boardwalk but being in downtown San Antonio was a nightmare, it is exactly what we try to avoid! So once we seen the Alamo we left! Enjoyable ride there and back but were happy to be back to our quiet little world!  Roasted hot dogs over an open fire and went for a walk down a trail with a bird viewing house!  I have also seen so many deer around here, I thought they were large fawns with all those spots and Craig told me they were fallow deer, I also seen a albino deer also, but by the time I got my camera out it was gone!
                        We will be leaving here tomorrow morning and head toward New Mexico then Arizona, plan on taking our time and enjoy ourselves! To tell you the truth I am getting a little hitch-itch and am ready to hit the road again! Besides we have no phone service here and internet comes and goes, need to be someplace so I can keep in touch with the kids and grandkids! So until next time, God Bless!


  1. Viola, glad you enjoyed the Alamo and that you could see past the commercialism to what it truly is to us Texans . . . truly hallowed ground. :) Don't feel bad about getting lost in SA; I do that every time I go there, at least downtown! The SA Zoo is a well-known and very well-done if you are into zoos. Just don't try it on a weekend! Sounds like you guys are really enjoying the lifestyle, and I am glad for that!

    1. At first I couldn't see passed the visitors or the gift shop, but then I realized where I was standing and felt honored to be there! I don't like big city and SA is diffinitely a big city, lol, but I was also in awe of the big buildings and horse drawn carriages! We wanted to see the boardwalk too, but didn't want to get lost again! We are having a ball, getting ready to leave here today and head for another campground as we head for New Mexico, plan on spending a couple more weeks in Texas!
