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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sunset to Sunrise@Falcon State Park, TX

We ended our night here with a great sunset and got up to a beautiful sunrise! We had to run into town to get my son a birthday card, figured it should take only about an hour! Well, first you have to find a store that sells cards, like a drugstore or grocery store, we found a grocery store no cards, when we asked the checkout girl if she knew where they sold them she didn't speak english, well, she tried, but we couldn't understand her and she couldn't understand us, we also needed to find a lumber yard to get a coulple of pieces of wood to put under our jacks, we asked her and all we understood was her pointing east, so after driving about 5 miles we did find a small lumber yard, no one spoke english there either, finally after going thru 2 employees they found one who spoke a little english!  Are we in the United States or not? It is unbelievable, we went into a gas station/convience store/deli, I ask for a taco and she didn't understand me, so I pointed at a corn dog, Craig had to put $90 worth of gas in the MH, if it is over $75 you have to pay inside, they didn't understand him, so they wrote $90 on a piece of paper and asked if that was right and he said YES! Frustrating! We couldn't find any english speaking stations on the radio either! Ok, Ok, I am done complaining!Life's too short, but I feel if you live in this country and work with the public then learn our language, it's not up to us to learn their native tongue! So now to find a birthday card, went thru town twice and finally found a Family Dollar, I had all of 2 choices of son's cards. Mission accomplished! When we got back we decided to go check out the bird watch area, they had a blind set up that was covered in camouflage netting, they had bird feeders and oranges cut in halves in trees! We had to be very quiet and at first we seen nothing, then after about 15 minutes the birds started showing up, I wanted to see the rare and beautiful Green Jay, and low and behold there it was, right in front of me, got my video camera out and was able to get a great a video of him(see the video above)! Was well worth the wait, there were some other rare birds but he was the prettiest!
Weather was only in the low 60's today and overcast, but still a nice day for a walk, we have decided to stay until Monday so Craig can get some fishing in and just enjoy this awesome park, hoping that I don't get ate by the feral hogs or I guess they are actually javelina pigs which are smaller, coyote or mountain lions, lol! I could hear the lion screaming and the coyotes yelping last night, glad I was safe in my little home!
Well, gotta go and take Lenny for his walk, hoping he doesn't become someone's supper! Until next time, God Bless!

                                        A BEAUTIFUL SUNSET WED. NIGHT
                                         AND A BEAUTIFUL SUNRISE THURS. MORN!

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