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Monday, March 26, 2012

Heading for Virginia Soon!

                                               MONKEY ISLAND
                                            CRAIG ENJOYING THE VIEW

                                           GETTING SOME RAYS!
                                             CRAIG ENJOYING THE DAY
                              MY FRIEND ANNETTE WITH TRIXIE AND ME!
                                          BELOW; ME AND LENNY IN ANNETTE'S POOL
Had a great time here with our friends Annette, Barry and Richard for the last two weeks, they made us feel so welcome and had a lot of fun! Went out in Barry's boat and seen dolphins in the wild, it was so very awesome, enjoyed the best pizza ever, oh, can't forget Trisha and Mike, Annette's daughter and boyfriend, had some fantastic meals together. But it is time to move on now because we got a new gig in Michigan as campground hosts, we have to be back in Michigan by April 25th for our camphost training for two days! So we are leaving Thursday morning and heading for Virginia, we want to stay at Ichetucknee Springs by Lake City before we leave Florida, then we want to stay a night in each of the Carolina's also, hoping to get to Virginia by Sunday or Monday! My daughter and her husband have been working there butts off getting their already beautiful home in shape before we get there! We also want to be back in time for our granddaughter Kennedy and grandson's Blaken's birthdays in April, my son Richard's is on the 11th but can't possibly make it by then! Have missed too many birthdays and holidays but will soon be home to celebrate the summer together, my son Matt and daughter-in-law Courtney have already got a new tent and all that goes with it so we can spend as much time together as we can, called my son Richard and told him to pick up a tent also, he was going to get one in the next couple of days! I believe a family that camps together stays together, lol, nothing like bonding in the woods! 
                                          I have been busy listing a lot on e-bay and selling quite a bit, but problem is I have bought a lot while here and now have to make room for it all! But, hey, it's gas money!  Can't wait to hit the road again, getting hitch-itch! I can't wait to see my daughter and son-in-laws new home, can't wait to hold my grandbabies again, been a long winter for them, but am proud how they all survived some rough times while we were gone, they are tougher then I thought!  Well, supper is ready, so until next time, God Bless!

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