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Friday, November 9, 2012


                                                            We working the desk!
                                                            Craig reading about spiders!
                                                     Library/TV/DVD player area!
                                               Bones and  a stuffed possum!
                                             Dinasaur Bone!
                                                         Tools from the Old Railway!
                                                  Comfy Rockers and a red fox!
                                                           A stuffed Sketch Owl!
                                                  A Strange but pretty beetle!

Worked at the visitor center today for 6 1/2 hours today, just had to answer the phone and any questions visitors had when they came in!  Interesting place with lots of stuffed wild animals, bones, and books about nature and the park!  Was a busy place today with lots of visitors because of the 100 mile race that takes place tomorrow at 7 am and ends Sunday! Some will run the full 100 miles, while some will do the 50 mile run and the 25 mile run!  They will run into the night with the trails lit with solar lights, they have food and water stands along the way!  A lot of people showed up today and pitched tents in the back of the visitor center, some got a motel room, some will sleep in there cars!  I give them a lot of credit but I could never do it, my knees wouldn't allow it!  More power to them!
                                        Craig cleaned the offices while I worked at the center, he got the dirty end of the job (no pun intended) he had to vacuum, clean the desks and windows and then clean the bathrooms and clean the toilets!  Tomorrow I work the visitor center again but this time I have to clean it too, oh well, part of the job!  While I was sitting on the porch I noticed a bright green beetle, grabbed my camera and took a picture of it, that is the actural size above, kinda neat!  Took the picture then kicked it off the porch!  Also seen a huge spider yesterday under our MH, I reached underneath to grab a box and the thing almost ran across my hand, scared me so bad that when I tried to scream nothing came out!  I called Craig out to check it out and he said it was a wolf spider, nasty looking thing!

                       I finally got a couple of good manatee pictures, thanks to a good camera with a zoom lens! They only come up for a few seconds so you have to be fast! I have been told there are a couple of alligators out there too! So I don't get too close!
                                            Well, long day today, last day of work tomorrow then a week off! We are going to have a big bonfire here tomorrow night with the other volunteers, so should be fun!! So until the next time God Bless!

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