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Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Haven't been on here because my grandson Nathan has been very ill, he is in Arizona so I flew out there to be with him and his mother/my daughter! Was there from Thurs. to Sunday. He is doing a lot better but it was touch and go for awhile.  I am now getting ready to fly to be with my daughter has she has surgery now!  Will fly out tomorrow and be back Tues.! Thank God for understanding Rangers and for Craig for carrying the load himself, it was our week off so it wasn't too bad for him, what was tough was he had to package and ship several e-bay items that sold while I was gone, he did and awesome job!  I will be flying Thanksgiving day, so we had our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday since we will be on the road today, going to get a hotel room because my flight leaves at 5AM and it is an hour and a half to the airport! Craig will have to work the visitor center by himself Friday and Saturday, plus more shipping and handling for me!  He is being a real sport about all of this, but he knows that family is important and knows I have to do what I have to do!  When I get back we will be cutting grass and spraying weed killer, we get to use a z-mower so it isn't all that bad, I will be doing all the work at the visitor center, it is all real easy here, they realize that Craig is limited on what he can do so they allow for that, the other volunteers are pretty cool about filling in for us when we have to be somewhere else!  We had pizza and beer night at Pat and Jerry's Sunday night, Brooks and Frieda were there too, had such a great time, laughed and shared funny camphosting stories with them, this is thier first volunteer jobs and so of course us pros (lol) had to fill them in about all the fun and horror stories! Got to see some of those wild hogs at their site, scary to think how close they can get to your campsites!  Seen an 8 point buck right outside our MH and seen a 6 pointer while out riding around checking the gates! The manatees are starting to gather more and more, hoping to get some more pictures!  Well, will be busy the next few days and will be back on here next Weds. hoping to have some pictures!  You all have a great Thanksgiving and God Bless you all!

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