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Saturday, November 3, 2012


                                                   The turtle shell we found!
                                           The egg inside the turtle shell!!
SAT. 11/3
We have been very busy as they have been showing us around the trails, getting keys, checking trails out on our own with the gator, that was fun!  The new guy showed up today and we had to help get him set up, real nice guy with a 31' travel trailor with a couple slides, his name is Brook, his wife will be showing up in a couple of weeks,she had to get her Mom set up in an assisted care facility! 
                                          A few days ago we seen a gofer turtle shell that was laying along a trail, we took the gator and picked it up, when Craig looked inside of it he said there was a golf ball in it, but after looking closer it was an egg, yes, an egg! He said what ever killed it must not have been able reach it or it was too hard to break thru, but what a cool find! Can't wait to show the grandkids! If you go to my friend Snookie's blog you will be able to read about the turtles! http://quinnsawesomejourney.blogspot.com/2010/05/5302010-one-egg-two-eggs-three-eggs.html 
                              We got our screen up on our awning and strapped down, got the picnic table where we want it, chairs unpacked, ebay stuff out of the car and into the motorhome! Set out for awhile and drank a few beers and listened to some music, then the mosquitos came, ugh, they are real bad at dusk and dawn, but once it is full light or dark they go away!  Then we get to watch the deer, it is amazing how close they get to us, within 3 feet, they know we're there but as long as we don't move they keep on grazing, we even had the radio playing, Lenny doesn't know what to think of them, he stares and does a low growl! Craig warned me to not let Lenny get too close to the high weeds because of poisonous snakes, there are pigmy rattle snakes, coral snakes, cotton mouth and copperheads, or yeah, don't forget about the regular rattlers! Then there are the big spiders and scorpions, not to mention the giant wild hogs and alligators! I told him if I see any of them that Lenny's on his own because I be gone, lol, just kidding, I will grab Lenny then run!  So I make sure I carry a stick with me at all times and don't go near high weeds!!
                                   Tomorrow we start our first full day by opening the front gate, working at the visitor center from 12:30 to 4:30, then in the evening we check  the trails to make sure everyone is gone then lock the front gate! If the visitor center needs cleaning we do that, but the other volunteers said they cleaned it pretty good today, they had one visitor, said we may get one or two, can get boring, I don't know how, I will be taking my computer, they have TV and dvd player with a lot of nature movies, books, microwave, refrigerator, big rocking chairs, etc.
                                   We washed and waxed our HHR today because for some reason there is 3 big white marks across the right side of the hood, like the paint was wiped off, took it to Advanced Auto and had a guy look at it, he said looks like brush marks from a car wash, I told him I went to a touchless care washes, he suggested we buy an electric buffer and buffing compound and wax and see if that got the marks out, well after spending over 50 bucks and working on it all day it faded the marks a little but they are still there, so I am going to take it to a dealer since it is still under warrantee and if they don't fix it I will try to turn it into our insurance!  I am hoping it isn't from being towed behind the motorhome!  We live on a very dusty road with white sugar sand and it makes a mess out of our car, doesn't even look like we washed it after one trip to town!
                  Had to unlock the front gate at 8 am and unlock the bathrooms. Carol and Stan, other volunteers left today so we have the new guy Brook and us on northeast side and Pat and Jerry on the northwest side. We worked at the Visitor Center today 12:00 to 4:30... Relaxing and enjoyable, had about 7 visitors plus 3 workers! Place was super clean so I played on the computer and Craig watched movies on the big screen, took our lunch with us, but they failed to tell us we can't drink the water from the sink because it is unsafe, so I ran into town and got us some ice tea from Mickey Dee's!  We then had to check and make sure everyone was out of the reserve and then lock the gate at dusk, had to ask 3 vehicles to leave or they would be locked in, was a little nervous about that but they were fine with it and very polite!  Long day but an easy day, tomorrow Craig has to cut grass around the office and horse stables, he gets to use the fancy z-mower, so we'll see how that goes!!
 Well, gotta get off here for now, have a good one!  By the way, I am waiting on the charger for my camera yet, hopefully it will be here by Monday! So good night and God Bless!

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