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Saturday, July 23, 2011


Well, one week left until we are official living in our motorhome for a year, we turn over the keys to our house and hit the road in the Dolphin(motorhome) next Sunday July 31st! First we head up north for a month, staying at a friends house off and on, then some boondocking and staying in some campgrounds until we head for Texas. A lot of mixed feelings about leaving my family and friends for 6 months, I know I am going to miss them so much but have been trying to spend a lot of quality time with them all, I know they understand that we will be back and we are only a phone call away and there is always the internet! We have been packing, sorting and packing some more, what to keep and not keep, toss or not, give away or take, am I taking too much or am I not taking enough!  Excited about what is ahead of us, sad about leaving my home that I love and have it just the way I want it, fear of the unknown but what I fear the most is not doing this at all, I keep reading my full-time friends blogs and see how happy they are and how they could never go back to their old lives after living on the road and I know that is what we want too! I also know I am turning my house over to a life long friend and her children, I know they will take care of my house, she is as excited about moving in here as I am about leaving it! I only wish it had been cooler this last week while we packed the Dolphin, so hot carry things from the house to the garage and Dolphin, could only take a few trips out before we were soaked in sweat, so we did it slowly! It was a real eye-opener when Sue (caretaker for the house) showed up with a trailor full of furniture and had the cable company show up to hook up the phone, cable and internet for her, lol, I said ok, no backing out now!  We were all so hot and sweaty but got the job done! Made me also realize that this dream is about to come true for us!  The weather is a lot cooler and not so humid, still hot, but bearable, so hopefully we can get a lot done today! 
Well, gotta go and get busy,  until the next blog, which I hope I will be doing on the road, see you then!


  1. You have far too much to do to be hanging out on the internet! LOL You can relax on the 31st, and every day thereafter.

  2. You are so right, can't wait until I have to make time for the internet, lol! I can actually start to relax Aug. 1st, will be packing the final things and hitting the road late the 31st, but I will be sleeping in my Dolphin(motorhome) bed Sunday night!
