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Monday, July 25, 2011


Well, the count down begins, 6 days before we begin living in our motorhome, have had a hard Monday so far, first the lawnmower died, then the garden tub faucet has to be replaced, because of the type of tub it is we need a special kind of faucet, an expensive one, lol, of course, and also a special kind of tool that only a plumber has, so more money, then to top it all off, I noticed a big puddle under the motorhome, ugh, we just spent a fortune getting the transmission fixed, thank God for my son Matt, who works for the auto repair shop that did the repair, he stopped to check it out and said it's not a serious problem, just have to take it in to replace the gasket and it is still under warrantee! We were in such a state today, it was like "what else could go wrong", but I said a special prayer and things started to fall into place!  So we vacuumed and shampooed the carpet, dusted and polished the wood,packed a few more items, stored a few more, tossed more and gave some more away!  House is looking empty and the Dolphin is getting full, not to mention the garage, surprising how much room we have in there now, even after putting some of Sue's (house sitter) things in there! But the best thing today is my RV buddy Jerry from MissionBell resort in Texas where we will be going to campground host was able to help me link my blog to my facebook, after a couple of hours of having me try different things we were successful! He has the patience of an angel, I am so computer challenged!  Thank you so much Jerry, I owe you!  That is the kind of people that are out there living their dreams and willing to help us newbies!! So let's hope for a better day tomorrow! Until the next blog, have a great day!


  1. That Jerry fellow sounds like a really great guy! :D

  2. yes he is, helped me on a couple things! ;)
