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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Well on this date Wed. 8/3/2011 at 2 pm we have hit the road, finally, packed the last of what we had to pack, hooked up the truck, loaded the dog, hugged Sue our house sitter, handed her the house keys and away we went!  I never looked back because I knew better, Craig looked at me and smiled, I smiled back and said "this is it, we are gone" then we high fived each other!  We were so busy getting the last minute details done and things packed that we forgot to eat, so our first stop was at Burger King, how exciting is that? We are so exalted but happy! Got to Oscoda around 5 pm and took us until 6 to get all set up, not too bad! Took our showers and eat mac and cheese, got my internet set up, then played with the satelite dish for about an hour but realized it was quite overcast, so we figured we'd work on it tomorrow!  We have so much to learn yet, but we have a month and a half up here to sort out things we don't need and get things we forgot, after all we are only 2 hours from home! I just realized I can hear the waves hitting the beach, we are only a couple blocks from Lake Huron, such a peaceful sound, I think I am going to sleep like a baby tonight!! Night all, a new day begins tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. SOOO happy to hear this!! Can't wait to hear all the adventures you have!! This blog will be a great resource for other nomads like you too!! Best of luck!!
