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Sunday, August 7, 2011


As I laid in bed last night I thought to myself, why would anyone not want to do what we are doing, I know it was a big risk we took, but I would rather take the risk and fail then to not even try and wonder forever it we could have done it!  I know we have sitting in the backyard of friends right now, but in a month we will be heading for Texas, then the challenges begin! But I like this trial run, this way we have a month to realize what we really need or don't need, if there is any problems with the Dolphin we are close enough to the repair shop!  What we have learned so far is I will have to transfer my prescriptions to a Rite Aid for now because there is no Walgreen here, we can't run the air conditioner and the toaster at the same time because it threw a breaker, can't buy everything I see at a rummage sale, just a few things that I can sell on e-bay, but did find an awesome new satin bedspread and skirt for our queen bed, prettier and nicer then the one I had and 2 awesome lighthouses, one is electic with a red beacon that goes around and around, sits on the dash and another one that runs by lamp oil, got them both $4!
                                  We also found out that it is less expensive to survive in this new life then we thought, we plan on giving our friends at least a $100 a month to use their electric, for allowing us t park here and use of their washer and dryer. We went to the grocery store and only thing we needed was a bag of ice and computer paper, no room to stock up on sale items!  I also know I need to get a few extention cords, have at least 20 at home, next trip home will pick some up, when we are done using something put it away, place clutters up fast if we don't, hang things up, keep dishes done up and put away! The view is awesome looking out this big windshield but by noon the sun heats the Dolphin up pretty fast, so we open them early so we can enjoy the sunrise then close them by 10:00, then reopen them by 5:00 pm, sure need the airconditioner or else this place heats up fast, need to rig up a little step to go with our electric step because it is still quite a reach, especially for Craig and his bad knees, got a little step there but need something more sturdy!
                                      Still as busy as when we were home, so many decisions to make, do we go to the beach today or take the canoe out or both, maybe I can squeeze a nap in today, let's take a walk down to the Dairy Queen, or just take a walk on the beach! Enjoyed having my son Richard and brother-in-law Al here for the weekend, our friends have a huge 5 bedroom log cabin, so room for everyone, Richard and the kids are comming up next weekend and the following weekend my son and daughter-in-law Matt and Courtney are comming up with the grandkids.  Then we are going to have a girls day in a couple weeks with my best bud Peggy and Annette, told Craig he will have to stay in the motorhome while us girls have some quality time together, he said "you don't have to tell me twice, the last place I want to be is sitting around with a bunch of cackling hens" lol!
                                     But one thing I have noticed is I am not on the computer or watching  tv as much, I am happily exhausted and in bed by 9 or 10, then I sleep like a baby, no feelings of  anxiety! We have found an unbelievable feeling of peace!  So, why won't everyone want to live like this, no feelings of guilt because the lawn needs cutting, flowers need weeding, no house payments or utility bills thanks to Susan our house sitter, haven't heard any sirens from police, ambulances or fire trucks, no train whistles twice a night or neighbors blaring their music all hours of the night. Oh, I know that there will be places where these things will still exist but we can just fire up the Dolphin and move if it bothers us, but for now we are enjoying the view of Lake Huron, hearing the birds sing us awake every morning and the feeling of peace! We realize this isn't everyones idea of retirement but it is ours and we are loving it and know this is the right thing and the right place, can't wait until we hit the road again and wake up to a different view everyday, and then when we get to Mission Bell resort in Texas, we start a whole new adventure as campground hosts, we will be meeting all new friends and finally get to meet face to face a few new friends I met on thru facebook!  Thank you Jesus for answering prayers and leading us down the right road of our dream, for filling that emptiness in my heart and giving us the courage to go thru with this new adventure!  Well, the beach is calling me so better get going, looks like we may be getting some rain! Even looking forward to that!

1 comment:

  1. SO GREAT to hear you at peace and loving the life!! Those RV's do clutter fast but you just boot everyone out... jam some music, and clean for about 20 minutes..... sparkling clean again! Loving this blog and the adventures!!
