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Friday, October 28, 2011


Heard on the weather channel that a cold front was moving across the valley, they call this area the "valley", so being from Michigan I thought it's going to be cold and rainy, but what we got was a temp this morning of 62 degrees, I said to Craig I thought we had a cold front moving in, he said "yep, it's here" I said I was thinking like in Michigan, he said "honey, you ain't in Michigan anymore"! It was good working weather this morning, a little cool and windy, I even put a thin jacket on! But a few had coats and sweatshirts on! I can live with this,will get up into the high 70's later this afternoon! Loving it!
                        Took Lenny to get his haircut and he looks so nice, the groomer said he had several little bites all over him, could even be ant bites! I felt so bad for him because he has been itching non-stop, I thought it was allergies, even gave him a bath in medicated shampoo! She said it is common in winter Texan dogs, takes them awhile to get use to bugs and ants, so we have to check him closer after he goes for a walk! He look kind of  mad in this picture, but honest he just loves his new cut (not)!
                        One thing that we have found out about living the life of full-timers and that is two people can't be in the kitchen at the same time or try to pass in the hall at the same time(we actually got stuck trying to pass each other), we also found out that this place gets dirty faster then a house, if you get something out, put it back, dishes need to be done almost immediately after every meal, sink is too small to let them set, taking a shower is an ordeal, you knock things off the shower shelf, can't let the water run, you wet yourself down then shut off the water, wash hair and body, turn on water and rinse, then shut it back off, then shave, put conditioner on, then turn water on and rinse again, hot water tank is small so to be able to have enough hot water to get thru a shower that is how you have to do it! I really have problems trying to store all my e-bay items, I have two outside compartments filled with games and Christmas items, I have 3 plastic containers stored under the motorhome and 2 huge bags of clothes stored in front by the drivers area! Can be fun trying to find items I have sold, try to have everything sorted so it will be easier to find, but as of right now I have lost a pink jacket that I sold, I have gone thru everything 3 times and can not find it!  I may have to refund the buyer her money, I am going to give it one more day of looking because I have actually lost items before and just before I give a refund I find it, hoping that happens this time too!  People think that this e-baying business is easy but it's a lot of work, I spend at least a couple hours a day shipping and handling items, I pack each item and then print my own shipping labels and then have to print invoices and on listing days I can spend up to 6-8 hrs. a day, especially if it is free listing day or 1 cent listing day, I have to measure each item after the full description, weigh them and figure shipping cost!  It's like a full-time job, but I really do enjoy doing it, I don't know how we would have made it without the extra money coming in from e-bay, it's our fun money, if it wasn't for e-bay we would be able to pay our bills, buy groceries and maybe a few luxuries and that would be about it! I thank God everytime I sell something, I asked him to show us how to make money while traveling so we could sustain this life-style and I believe e-bay is the answer! Craig helps too, he takes everything to the post office for me and does the housework, laundry and shopping while I am taking pictures of my items, which in itself can be very time consuming, I can spend up to 2-3 hours taking the pictures, then fixing them, cropping them, etc., then listing them and doing my shipping and handling! I don't do much e-bay on the days we work except shipping and handling, things have to be shipped with 2 days of selling them! But with all the problems we have in this way of living, we wouldn't trade it for the biggest house in the world, we still have a great life, still no lawns to mow or rake, no snow shovel, no cold to deal with or scraping windows, or driving on snow covered roads, even when this house is messed up, it only takes about and an at the most to clean it from top to bottom! I still pinch myself everyday to make sure I'm not dreaming! I still miss my kids and grandkids everyday, I wish I was rich so I could fly them out her to be with us, going to miss them at Christmas and all the other holidays, but I know they understand and they will be seeing us next year for 6 months, it's not about the quantity of time you spend with them but the quality of time!
                                               We are done working our 4 days ,now we have 4 days off! Craig was getting pretty sore the last couple of days because he was running out of pain pills and was only taking a half pill instead of a whole one, he said he didn't say anything to me because he didn't want me to worry, but all his meds are mailed to him by the VA, and he ordered all his meds on Oct. 9 and they still aren't here so he called them yesterday and they are going to overnight them to him! So today he took his last 1/2 pain pill, hoping the meds will be here sometime today or tomorrow!  It's not hard work it's just that he has to be on his legs for the whole time!  YIPPEE! Craig just got back from getting the mail and his pills have arrived and he was also waiting for his tags for his truck and they came too, good thing because his plates would have been expired by Sunday! He's one happy guy! Me too since he has been driving me nuts about it!
                                                  Well, gotta go do the happy dance with Craig  and it is getting nice out so I guess we are going to sit outside and enjoy the rest of the day!
                                                  So until next time, God Bless!


  1. Hey, I'm glad you're enjoying Texas. Spent a bit of time in the Valley, in and around Harlingen, which is a snowbird haven. You know, we don't turn the water off and on while showering - we have full hook-ups so there's no issue of running out of water. I empty that gray tank (we have two grays and a black) about every other day with both of us typically having one shower daily. The minor chore of emptying the tank sure makes up for having continuous water while showering! Especially in Winter . . . brrrr! Have fun!

  2. Howdy there Texas Rose, we also have direct water hook-up, but we have a 9-12 gal hot water tank, so it's the fear of running out of hot water! But you know what, I was just talking to my husband about it and he said that he doesn't shut the water off and on while showering and doesn't run out of hot water! WELL, nice that he let me know that, lol, now I know I can take a full shower the right way now! Thanks for bringing this to my attention! We also are directly hooked up to the sewer, but we still let it build up in the tanks and empty every other day, we learned the hard way about not letting it drain directly into the sewer, we had a build up of sewer in the hoses and had a hard time unplugging it! AHH, the life of a full-timer! Thanks and we are sure enjoying your Texas!
