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Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Live and learn, We should have been looking for a camphosting position at least a month ago, all the places we wanted to host are already taken! We were hoping to have something closer to the Bay City area so my kids and grandkids don't have to drive so far to see us, the best and closest we could find was in Gaylord KOA, but it will be a great place for the grandkids, has a pool, playgrounds, very kid friendly! Talked to the managers and they said they have a housekeeping position available, we will work May 1st to Sept. 30th, will work 30 hrs. a week between the two of us, 15 hrs. a piece, we get a golf cart to use when we work.  Sounds great and you can't go wrong with a KOA. It's going to be quite a change from a 55+ resort to a kid friendly park.  The time line is also perfect, we leave here April 15th, that gives us 2 weeks to get there, we want to go see Russ and Susan's new home in Virginia before we head home, so will be able to spend about a week there before we head for Michigan! 
                 We have had to learn one very important thing while being here "RELAX", after working a 10-12 hr. day to working a 3 hr. day 4 times a week, you learn that it is ok to do absolutely nothing, read a book, take a nap, play on the computer(finding out that I don't spend as much time on FB as I use to) spend a day at the pool, go site seeing, etc.  I always felt guilty because I felt I should be doing more, never thought I would have to learn to relax, Craig has it down pat, lol! But he has been retired for 3 years, so he has it all figured out! People here are all so layed back, it's kind of funny, you see them early in the morning before the heat hits then you don't hardly see anyone again until the sun sets, then they are come out and ride their bikes, golf carts, walking or just sitting outside in front of their campers or trailors! But then again I had to teach Craig to slow down when working, he is use to rushing thru everything, we do as much as we need to in the 3 hrs. we work, they don't expect us to get it all done in one day! The first couple of days we worked he was red faced and sore, now he is going at my pace, besides this place doesn't get that dirty right now!  All in all it is a lot easier then we thought it would be,but once all the winter Texans get here they will be a lot busier and have a lot more to do, they will be having all kinds of things going on here daily, so we may have to pick up our pace up a little! And one thing I have to learn yet and that is to be able to say hi and not stand around talking to everyone, lol, they are so friendly here and want to know all about you or where you're from, you all know me, I'm a talker! But I am getting better at that, found out I can clean and talk at the same time! 
                Heard on the news last night that we have to watch out for the Kissing Bug, yes, I said Kissing Bug, it is a small insect that bites you in the lip while you are sleeping and passes a parasite into your body that can lay dorment in your stomach for years before you have any reaction from it! Isn't that nice, and it is known to be in the valley here in Mission, now I am paranoid of any little thing I see, I check for any sores around my mouth every morning, Craig just laughs at me and says "and you thought tarantulas and snakes were going to get you"!  I also notice that he is always tapping his shoes before he puts them on, we leave our shoes outside, I finally asked him what are you doing, he said just checking for spiders or bugs, they tend to crawl into things like shoes" well, thanks for telling me that bit of information, now my shoes come in with me, I take them off outside but I don't leave them out there!  I seen my first cockroach or palmetto bug(didn't know they were the same thing), I was sweeping up some leaves by one of the entrance doors and there was this huge bug, I told Craig to come and check out this funny looking cricket, lol, he said that isn't a cricket, it's a palmetto bug, I said oh, never heard of them, he said they are another name for cockroaches, they are just bigger and live in palmtrees! I never know if he's joking or not, he always walks away smiling!
                                        Been watching a lot of new winter Texans coming in lately, we have a new neighbor across from us and another one two lots down, have been told that a lot more will be showing up, especially after Thanksgiving.  Lenny is getting better at not barking at every little noise or person that walks by, I think he is just tired of being told to shut up!  He goes and gets his first grooming tomorrow, he's not going to be too happy about that, but his hair is getting so long that he is starting to mat plus he is always hot, needs his nails and ears done too!
                                          We are going out to eat at Joe's Crabshack for supper, can't wait, I am not much of a seafood person but I did notice that do have fish and chips, chicken, steaks, hamburgers, etc., Craig loves crabs, lobsters and shrimp, but as for me I was raised on meat and potatoes, never ate fish of any kind until I got married, not even fish sticks, when you are raised on a vegetable farm you don't get much fish to eat, just the country girl in me!
                                                                Well, gotta go do some shipping and handling for e-bay, I thank God every day for ebay, it sure does help inbetween pay days, I don't get paid until the 3rd week of each month and  Craig gets paid the last week, so it sure helps to have a steady flow of cash coming in from ebay! So anyways, until next time, have a good one!

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