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Sunday, October 2, 2011


Ok, had a rough start when we discovered a transmission leak, so headed back to Bay City to our mechanic, still under warrantee, just the loss of gas money and time, :(, but better safe then sorry! But the up side is we got to spend more time with family! :)!!! Was homesless for a couple of nights, well, not really, they let us stay in our Dolphin while it was there, scenery wasn't the best, we were right across from my old work place Bay Metro, lol, so everyone got to see that we were having trouble!  Another great thing is we hit some great rummage sales, got a lot of merchandise for e-bay and some great finds for the grandkids, will be busy listing for a few days! We stayed the night at the Finn Rd. campground, I listed e-bay and Craig cooked supper and enjoyed a nice fire!  Had some loud and rowdy campers last night, they were all elderly, lol, was good to see the old folks partying away to the wee hours of the night, didn't bother us, we were so exhausted that we slept through it!  We plan on being on the road by at least 10:00 am, gas up and head out once again! Will let you know this evening where we are and may even add a few pictures, so pray and wish us luck!  Will update this evening in Indiana!


  1. Good luck once again! Indiana is pretty boring to drive through but there are some pretty big flea markets! LOL Alabama sure is pretty though! ;o) have safe travels. Love ya's! Brian

  2. Thanks Brian, wish we were going thru Alabama, but we might be going thru Arkansas, nothing is carved in stone! Tell you what, Southern part of Michigan was pretty boring and I heard how boring Indiana can be, but I am sure we will make the best of each state! We are staying the night at Pokagon Campground tonight, just pulled in, nice place, Love ya too!
