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Sunday, October 23, 2011


Decided to check one more thing off our "to do list" while we are in Texas, that was to go check out South Padre Island!  Worth the 75 mile journey, the water was sooo blue and the sand soo white, but it was extremely windy there, almost blew Lenny over, lol!  Loved going over the bridge to get there, kinda reminded us of the Mackinaw Bridge, almost as long, they had warning lights to warn us to watch out for Pelicans, lol, never did see one! They were having the sand castle contests going on while we were there, so most of the restaurants were busy and a lot of traffic, they also had a lot of para-surfing and para-sailing going on too, the skies were full! We wanted to find a nice seafood restaurant to have lunch there but they were either closed or full, besides we had Lenny with us and couldn't leave him alone in the truck too long in the heat, so we decided to try a drive thru and sit in the truck to eat, so here we are in a seafood town and we decided to go to "What-a-Burger" joint (they are all over here), but let me tell you it was the best burger we have had in a long time! I couldn't hardly finish my patty-melt, fed some to Lenny and was only able to eat a little bit of the fries, Craig had a double green chili cheese burger, he finished it but didn't hardly eat any fries either.  On the way home we seen this awesome Dinasaur place, had huge dinasaurs, King Kong, Dolphins and giant seashells, turns out it was a gift shop but it was really cool, took some pictures so I could show my grandkids, my grandson Hayden is crazy about dinasaurs and granddaughters Callie and Kennedy love seashells, Desiree loves dolphins and Blaken loves all of the above, so we got more pictures of that then of the island!
                             We also learned a good lesson today, my daughter Susan warned us to leave the air-conditioning on when we leave, because it will take forever to cool down the MH, well, we decided there was no sense in running the air while we were gone, ugh, it had to be close to a 100 degrees in here when we got back, been trying to cool it down for an hour and a half now, it is still around 80 degrees in here! Never again!!
                                               I have had my family on my mind a lot today, especially the grandkids, talked to them yesterday and realized how much I miss them all, but felt kind of connected with them when we stopped at the Dinasaur place! Hayden's birthday is next month so we think we will run back there and get something special for him!
                                                              I decided to start checking around in Michigan for a workamp job for the summer of 2012, figured I was looking a little too early, but all the places we wanted to camphost or work at are taken, except way upnorth and in the u.p., and I don't want to be that far away from family, the reason we are going back to Michigan is to spend time with family and I don't want them to have to drive 150 miles to see us, so I sent our resume' to several private and KOA campgrounds/resorts!  We actually got an e-mail back from one of them already, they are going to call us today or tomorrow! I guess it's never too early to plan ahead!
                                                                                                  Well, gotta go and give Lenny his bath tonight, he needs a medicated one because he is constantly scratching and he has a rash on his back and belly, plus we have been picking burrs out of him daily, they are unbelievable here, maybe because it is so dry, I don't know for sure, but we are hoping that this bath will help with the rash, if not we will have to take him to the vet's! So until next time!!

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