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Tuesday, November 29, 2011


                                                 Our Texas room almost ready, need to put lights up!
                                                             Christmas Tree in the MH
                                                             Fiber-Optic Outside Tree
                                                 This Snowman is our Grandaughter Desiree!
 Blaken is the Penguin, 1st Snowman is Callie, Hayden is the Snowman and last Snowman is Kennedy
  My Christmas quilt make here at the Resort!

Well they are getting ready for Christmas here at the resort, so we dug out our decorations and bought some twinkle lights! We wanted to put something up that reminded us of our 5 youngest grandkids, that way we would feel they are here with us, as we started digging things out I found these 5 little cardboard snowmen, penguin and santa, perfect! I put the 4 littlest ones on the front of the MH grill and for my teenage grandaughter I gave her a special spot in Papa's plant! Don't know why but we had two christmas trees packed, so put one outside and one in! Also bought a Christmas quilt from the quilt ladies here at the resort, as we were cleaning the craft room I noticed them putting this quilt together and fell in love with it, they asked if I wanted to buy it for $45, I couldn't believe that is all they wanted for it!  They are also making me a queen size quilt for our bed, made in brown shades to match our curtins and decor, they let me peek at it this morning, it is awesome!  
We had some 30 per hour winds for 2 days and thought we were going to lose our canopy, we have it staked down pretty good and several clamps at the top, we couldn't roll it up with the winds the way they were, so we put more support straps on the roof, hoping it would keep it from flapping, helped a little bit, but it got pretty scary for awhile! Craig said as soon as the winds stopped we were taking it down and not putting it back out! I said no way, I love having it out because it is like another room added onto the MH! If it could withstand the 30 mph winds it should be fine! So for now it is still out!  The temps dropped down into the middle 40's last couple of nights but was back in the 80's today! Sun is always shining here! The only complaint is I have about the weather is the wind, blows all the time down here in the valley! Craig hates the wind but is dealing pretty well with it so far, he finally figured our he need to stake everthing down or lose it!
I have been going to the exercise room everyday and started out riding 10 miles a day on the bike, was a little winded and red faced at first, but doing 15-20 miles now and not having a problem, we have also been eating healthier too,we both need to lose a few pounds, even my fat clothes were getting tight, lol, but they are starting to hang a little on me finally, Craig loses weight easier then me just because he's a male and he doesn't even exercise, well, in all fairness to him he can't with his knees being so bad, but he has been snacking on healthy foods and doing good and losing a little!
                                  Went to bingo last night and laughed as Craig was freaking out if I tried talking to him, he said don't talk to me when I am playing, I don't want to miss a number, he was only playing 4 cards, lol! We lost but it was fun anyways! We just finished are 4 days of work so we have 4 glorious days off, so we are planning on going to Mexico tomorrow! Will post pictures tomorrow when we get back!
Gotta go for now, supper and then take Lenny for his evening walk! So until later!

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