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Friday, December 2, 2011


                               The International Crossing into Mexico!
                                      Me standing next to a Giant Chicken before crossing into Mexico
                                            The walkway into Mexico!
                            The Rio Grand River that divides Texas and Mexico!
                                           Traffic going into Mexico!
                                              Craig is finally in Mexico!
                                             As soon as we crossed this is what we see!

                                             First Bar we hit, having a Pina Colatta!

Here Craig is standing half in Mexico and half in Texas!

                                             Things we bought in Mexico!
We finally got a chance to visit Mexico, we went in through Progresso, which is considered the safest crossing from Texas. We parked on the Texas side and walked the foot bridge over to Mexico, couldn't believe how narrow the river is, about a block and a half long! As we were entering into Mexico I noticed something waving thru the rails, I thought it was garbage bags, but as we got closer we could hear voices, it was Mexicans holding their hats out and begging for money, they were saying hey lady, hey mister, please! They even had their kids with them, and it didn't change the futher we got into Mexico!  The first thing we noticed was how many dentist, pharmacy and liquor stores there were! And someone from every business was trying to lure us in, plus the street vendors, trying to  pull us towards their things!  We went into the first bar we came to for a drink, then heading out to explore the rest of the town!  Found out you can get a full set of dentures for $140, or fillings, root canals, braces, etc. for hardy nothing, Craig said he would be interesting in getting some dental work done but work check around and ask a few questions! Craig bought some candied sweet potatoes, pumpkin and coconut, it was pretty good, but he liked it better then me, he also bought some tequila for New Years Eve, cost less then $5 for a fifth, hot sauce, a hat that says Mexico on it and some vanilla! I bought some turquoise earrings and some things for the grandkids, a spiderman hat for Blake, a rubberband crossbow for Hayden, a handmade wooden trinket box for Kennedy and Callie! Then we found a fancy restaurant to eat at, best Mexican food I ever had, we both got the dinner plate with about 5 different items, so filling, I was only able to eat about half! So many stores and stands, we stayed about 2 hours before Craig's knees started getting sore, figured we would come back another day since it was only about 30 mins. from Mission!  They didn't ask for our passports on the way in but did on the way out and asked what we had, they gave us no problems! Lots of people are afraid of crossing into Mexico because of all the drug cartels, we didn't feel threatened but we didn't go very far in, maybe about 6 blocks!  Was a fun day, felt like when we were in Dominican Republic, the same type of things for sale and prices about the same, I like working the vendors, get things a lot cheaper then what they were asking, not Craig though, he pays whatever they ask! 
                                      We went to the dance last night with Al and Lorraine(my daughter's mother-in-law), love to watch the dancers as they line dance, trail dance, 2 step and just plain country dancing, they even had a couple of ballroom dancers there, they were awesome to watch, couldn't believe they could dance like that to country music, the band is one of the best bands I have ever heard, they are so good,  they have groupies that follow them to all the dances! Senior Groupies, lol! 
                            Well, gotta go and get these things packed mailed off to the grandkids, so until next time, have a great day!

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