Went shopping yesterday and heard Christmas music and got a little weepy thinking about it being the first Thanksgiving and Christmas we will miss with the grandkids and I worry about my youngest son because this is a real hard year for him, I talked to him this morning and asked how he was doing and he said the holidays were hard and I told him I felt guilty that I wasn't there for him, he said don't worry about me Mom, I will be fine, you guys have a good time and don't work too hard! I told him I would be fine and I knew he would too, but I know he will be spending Thanksgiving alone! I have never been away from either of my sons this long and I know they are adults with kids but I also know it is hard on a them and I admit it, me too. Also it's my Grandson Hayden's 8th birthday next week and it will be the first one I will miss! But enough of that now! I know that everything will be fine and besides my daughter Susan and her husband Russ are going to be here for Christmas and New Years, so I will be fine and I pray my family will too! We will make it up to them in the spring and summer of 2012!
Went to my first Ropa store and it is everything and more of what I was told! A Ropa store is like a resale store gone bad, lol! The one I went to use to be a Kmart store so it was big! When I walked in the door I couldn't believe my eyes, there were huge piles of clothes all over the place and on top of those clothes were people digging through them, I am not kidding, I was told I think they are sold by the pound and there are some items in there that still have tags on them, but I wasn't about to find out, they also had racks and tables of clothes that were priced from 25 cents to $3, I did find a few things to sell on e-bay and one even had the price tags still on, but they had to be washed right away because everything smelled musty! Plan on going back when I have more time!
Lot of new rv's coming in everyday, some huge and some not so huge, I seen one come in that was shaped like an egg, so cute but don't think it was over 10 feet long, can't imagine living in that for 6 months. Still don't have anyone on either side of us yet, but that is fine, got room to park the truck and walk Lenny, he thinks he owns this place, barks at any dog that tries to mark his trees!
Started going to the exercise room everyday this week and riding the bike for 10 miles in 30 mins., tried using the treadmill but I have arithis in my feet and they hurt all night so going to stick to the bike and pool exercises! Still haven't made it to the dance lessons yet! All in time!
Well, gotta go color my hair the roots are getting bad! Makes me miss my best bud Peggy, she has been doing my hair for over 35 years, it was our excuses to laugh and cry together and catch up on all that is going on in our lives! Well, there I go again!
Well, until next time, God Bless!
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